Practice Resources
Community Injury Prevention Toolkit
The purpose of this toolkit is to review the various levels at which injury prevention interventions can be targeted. Emergency nurses, being on the front lines of injury treatment and well versed in community outreach, education, and advocacy, are in a unique position to participate...
Clinical Practice Guideline Development Manual
This document outlines the approach used to develop clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) to ensure consistency of the evidence appraisal process and incorporation of current, best available evidence for practice. Further, this document serves as a resource for others engaged in similar...
Clinical Assessment of Acute Hypovolemia Synopsis
In adult and pediatric emergency departments, which non-invasive bedside procedure is best for identification of acute hypovolemia? This CPG provides practice recommendations on the procedure and interpretation for detecting significant fluid volume changes based on a systematic...
Clinical Assessment of Acute Hypovolemia Clinical Practice Guideline
In adult and pediatric emergency departments, which non-invasive bedside procedure is best for identification of acute hypovolemia? This CPG provides practice recommendations on the procedure and interpretation for detecting significant fluid volume changes based on a systematic...
Understanding Climate Change Infographic
This infographic explains what is climate change, how it impacts health, and what ED nurses can do to help combat it.
Child Vehicle Restraint Systems (Safety Seats): When to Reuse and When to Dispose
This topic brief provides current guidelines and information on the reuse and disposal of child safety seats.
Child Passenger Safety in the United States
This position statement provides a broad overview of the role emergency nurses play in advocating for child safety seats, how to provide awareness, and what resources to use to help educate patients and their families.
Caring for Neurodiverse Children in the Emergency Department
The purpose of this topic brief is to provide emergency department (ED) nurses with general guidance on caring for neurodiverse children and young adults.
Caring for Children with Sickle Cell Disease Infographic
This infographic provides a brief description of sickle cell disease and highlights acture complications including patient management.
Care of the Gender-Expansive and Transgender Patient in the Emergency Care Setting
This topic brief overviews gender-expansive and transgender patient populations, describes bethods for creating gender-affirming and supportive environments, discusses barriers to health care and provides recommendations for caring for these populations in the emergency care setting.
Care of Patients with Chronic/Persistent Pain in the Emergency Care Setting
This position statement focuses on managing patients who present with chronic pain, the impact opioids have had, and the role interstate prescriptions drug monitoring programs play in helping to treat chronic pain.
Care of LGBTQ Patients in the Emergency Care Setting Toolkit
This toolkit addresses the common health concerns of LGBTQ individuals, and the many barriers that may prevent them from seeking the healthcare they need. Resources are also provided throughout to assist emergency nurses in their commitment to quality and safety in care of LGBTQ...
Care of Behavioral Health Patients in the Emergency Department
This topic brief summarizes the findings of the ENA white paper "Care of the Psychiatric Patient in the Emergency Department," which identified best practices and gaps in the care of behavioral health patients in the ED.
Capnography During Procedural Sedation/Analgesia Clinical Practice Guideline Synopsis
CPG - Does use of capnography in patients receiving procedural sedation/analgesia in the emergency department improve outcomes (through earlier detection of adverse events such as hypoventilation and apnea) compared with monitoring the patient using only vital signs, pulse oximetry...
Capnography During Procedural Sedation/Analgesia Clinical Practice Guideline
CPG - Does use of capnography in patients receiving procedural sedation/analgesia in the emergency department improve outcomes (through earlier detection of adverse events such as hypoventilation and apnea) compared with monitoring the patient using only vital signs, pulse oximetry...
An Overview of Tranexamic Acid (TXA) and its Application to Trauma Patients
This topic brief providers emergency nurses with a general overview of TXA, including a historical background and its sapplication in trauma patient care.
An Overview of Strangulation Injuries and Nursing Implications Topic Brief
The purpose of this topic brief is to provide the emergency nurse with an overview of strangulation injuries and clinically relevant information to enhance assessment, treatment, and support of a patient who has been strangled.
An Overview of Firearm Safety and Injury Prevention
This topic brief educates emergency nurses on the prevalence of firearm injuries in the U.S., discusses populations at risk, reviews safe storage practices and provides suggestions for patient education.
Alternatives to Opioids Clinical Practice Guideline Synopsis
In emergency department patients across the lifespan, what alternatives to opioids are effective for the management of specific types of acute pain? This CPG Synopsis provides practice recommendations for various opioid alternatives to consider for management of pain related to acute...
Alternatives to Opioids Clinical Practice Guidelines
In emergency department patients across the lifespan, what alternatives to opioids are effective for the management of specific types of acute pain? This CPG provides practice recommendations for various opioid alternatives to consider for management of pain related to acute migraine...