Eligibility and How to Apply

Option One

ENA members who have attended ENA’s annual conference and have secured a total of 6.0 or more contact hours by attending a combination of approved Learning Institutes (LIs), 90-minute and/or 60-minute education sessions are eligible. 

Please download the NSO Risk Management CE Form for additional information and instructions to obtain your discount. The NSO Risk Management CE Form must be submitted within 12 months of completing the approved contact hours.

Option Two

ENA members who hold one or more of the following are eligible: Certified Emergency Nurse, Trauma Nursing Core Course or Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course. If you are a certification or verification holder, please call NSO directly at 800.247.1500. Please mention that you are an ENA member and hold one of these credentials to obtain your discount.

Download NSO Risk Management CE Form (480 KB)


Contact ENA Member Services at membership@ena.org. For more information about NSO, visit https://www.nso.com/.