ENA Election

The annual ENA Election provides members the opportunity to select members of the ENA Board of Directors and the Leadership Development and Elections Committee.

ENA Election

One of the core privileges of ENA membership is the right to choose who sits on the ENA Board of Directors and Leadership Development and Elections Committee.

About the ENA Election

Each year, ENA hosts its election for both the board ENA Board of Directors and the ENA Leadership Development and Elections Committee. 

Applications for candidates open each spring, accepted candidates are then introduced to the ENA membership during the summer and voting takes place in the early fall. To be eligible to vote, you must be an ENA member in good standing.

Election Key Dates

April 1Call for Nominations Opens
April 30Call for Nominations Closes
MayLeadership Development and Elections Committee Reviews and Scores Applications
August2025 ENA Election Candidates Announced
Sept. 16-19Election Voting Period
Sept. 20Election Results Announced
DecemberENA Board of Directors only - Board orientation for newly elected board members

Start Your Leadership Journey

Are you ready to begin your ENA leadership journey? Learn more below about becoming a candidate in the ENA Election.

The Call for Candidates is Currently Closed

The call for 2025 ENA Election candidates will open on April 1. Check back soon. 

All candidates are vetted and scored based on a scoring rubric comprised of application materials, competencies and a formal interview process. Candidates are listed on the ballot in ranked order.

Learn more about the available positions:

ENA Board of Directors

The ENA Board of Directors provides governance and strategic direction for the association to lead the advancement of excellence and innovation in emergency nursing through research, education, resources, advocacy and collaboration.

  • 2026 President-Elect (1-year term)
  • 2026 Secretary/Treasurer (1-year term)
  • Two Directors (3-year term)

ENA Board of Directors Competencies

Board of Directors Self-Assessment Tool

Leadership Development & Elections Committee

The ENA Leadership Development and Elections Committee oversees ENA’s annual election. The committee is responsible for developing and ensuring a pipeline of future leaders. The committee reviews applications, vets potential candidates and provides a final slate of qualified candidates to the ENA Board of Directors and membership.

To fill existing positions on the committee, the call is open to Region 2 members who don't have prior ENA Board experience and for a member-at-large with prior ENA Board service.

Leadership Development and Elections Committee Competencies

Leadership Development and Elections Committee Self-Assessment Tool

ENA Election Resources

Additional ENA Election resources to help you prepare for your candidacy:

2025 Leadership Development and Elections Committee

If you have any questions regarding ENA's election process, contact a member of the committee below, email Governance@ena.org or call 847.460.4095.

Professional headshot of a smiling man with short dark hair, wearing a navy blue suit, white shirt, and pink patterned tie, set outdoors with a blurred background of water and greenery.

Jason Carter, MSN, RN, CEN, CPEN, NE-BC, NRP, TCRN

Leadership Development and Elections Committee Chairperson
Region 2
Professional headshot of a smiling woman with shoulder-length blonde hair, wearing blue-framed glasses and a black top, set against a neutral background.

Tami Wheeldon, MSN-ED, RN, CEN

Region 1
Professional headshot of a smiling woman with shoulder-length white hair, wearing red-framed glasses and a navy blue sleeveless top, set against a blurred outdoor background.

India Owens, MSN, RN, CEN, NE-BC, FAEN

Region 3
Professional headshot of a smiling middle-aged man with glasses, a white beard, and a plaid shirt, set against a dark textured background.

Brian Rogers, MSN, RN, CEN

Region 4
Professional headshot of a smiling woman with long blonde hair, wearing a dark blazer over a white turtleneck and layered necklaces, set against a gray backdrop.

Dawn MacMullen, RN, CEN

Region 5
Professional headshot of a smiling woman with short brown hair, wearing a black top with a shimmering gray cardigan, set against a dark gradient background.

Jennifer Williams-Cook

Region 6
Professional headshot of a smiling man with short brown hair and a goatee, wearing a black suit, white shirt, and a red, white, and blue plaid tie, adorned with a U.S. flag lapel pin and a gold emblem, set against a background featuring a wall with photos and graphics.


ENA Past Board Member
Professional headshot of a smiling woman with shoulder-length wavy brown hair, wearing a black blazer and a silver necklace, set against a dark gray background.

Melane Marsh, MSN, BSN, CEN, CMRN

Professional headshot of a smiling bald man wearing a dark checkered suit, light blue dress shirt, and a pink and blue striped tie, set against a neutral gray background.

Mike Hastings, MSN, RN, CEN, FAEN

Professional headshot of a smiling woman with short dark hair, wearing a red blazer and a delicate necklace, set against a gray textured background.

Ellie Encapera, RN, CEN

Professional headshot of a smiling man with short gray hair, wearing red-framed glasses, a navy blue suit, a light pink dress shirt, and a pink and blue plaid tie, set against a neutral gray background.

Joop Breuer, RN, FAEN
