ENA Research

ENA is the only nursing association that is engaged in developing and delivering its own research.

Research at ENA

ENA's Emergency Nursing Research team conducts and facilitates research to support evidence-based practice specific to emergency nursing and to overall emergency care. 

The team's initiatives start and end at the stretcherside in alignment with ENA's strategic plan to further the specialty.

Research Priorities and Contributions to Emergency Nursing

ENR Timeline

The association conducts original emergency nursing research to advance excellence in care. With the support of the ENA Foundation, ENA members have multiple opportunities to jumpstart their career in research. 

Curious where you fit in? Click here for a glimpse of ENA’s Research Journey – a roadmap with suggestions of where and how you can contribute your research work or apply for funding through ENA Foundation’s grants and fellowship opportunities. 

Learn more about ENA's ongoing and previous research below.

Workplace Environment

Goal: Identify and promote evidence-based recommendations to support and sustain a healthy emergency nursing workforce and ED work environment.

YearsResearch PrioritiesOutcome and Accomplishments

ED Workplace Violence

  • Multi-year surveillance surveys on violence against nurses 
  • Research on nurse bullying 
  • Model of emergency nurse bullying
2010-2018Staffing of Emergency Nurses in U.S. EDs
2014-2015Emergency Nurse Fatigue
  • Foundational research that supported studies on nurse bullying and decision fatigue at triage
  • Peer-reviewed journal publication 2017

ED Workplace Culture and Environment

  • Firearm injury risk assessment and safety
  • Impact of cannabis-related ED visits
  • Occurrence of STS and PTSD during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Bias
Behavioral Health

Goal: Provide knowledge and evidence-based guidance and education aimed to improve care and health outcomes for patients with BH emergencies.

YearsResearch PrioritiesSelected Outcomes and Accomplishments
2008-2020Assessment and Treatment Patients with Harmful and Addictive Substance Use
Suicide Risk Assessment 
2012-2021Managing BH Emergencies

Goal: To identify the critical elements of triage decision-making and the impact of individual and environmental factors on triage accuracy and their relationship to patient outcomes.

Research PrioritiesSelected Outcomes and Accomplishments
Emergency Severity IndexPeer-reviewed publications 2021, 2024
Triage ProcessPeer-reviewed publications 2018, 2023, 2025
Artificial IntelligencePeer-reviewed publications 2021, 2022, 2023

Goal: Provide time-sensitive evidence to support ENA members in areas other than workplace or behavioral health.

YearsResearch PrioritiesSelected Outcomes and Accomplishments
Topics that fall outside of the above three lines of inquiry, generated by General Assembly resolutions, national initiatives, and/or collaborations with other organizations.
2010-2022Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

Emergency Nursing Research

Current Research Initiatives

The ENA Research Team, along with the Emergency Nursing Research Advisory Council, continually assesses the pulse of research needs in the specialty. This overview highlights the studies currently being conducted and those in development.

Learn more about current research initiatives

External Research Opportunities

Your emergency nursing colleagues seek your participation in their independent research. This page is regularly updated with a series of research participation options in an a la carte style.

Learn more about external research opportunities

ENDVR Fellowship

The Emergency Nursing Diverse Voices Research Fellowship program seeks to support and mentor beginning researchers who are members of underrepresented communities.

Learn more about the ENDVR Fellowship

Call for ePosters

Posters are an excellent way to gain experience with conference presentations. They are also a valuable avenue for any level of researcher for broad dissemination of research.

Learn more about ePosters