From Washington, D.C., to your state capital, ENA helps ensure the voices of all emergency nurses are heard.
Federal Advocacy
Just as emergency nurses are advocates for safety and patient care, ENA is an equally determined advocate on federal legislative and regulatory issues affecting emergency nurses and patients.
ENA’s Government Relations team:
- Meets regularly with elected officials on Capitol Hill.
- Tracks federal legislation affecting emergency nurses.
- Engages in the rulemaking process for programs and policies affecting emergency nurses.
- Spearheads grassroots lobbying efforts through the EN411 Action Network.
- Joins and submits letters of support to Congress.
Current Federal Legislative Priorities
Based on ENA's Public Policy Agenda, ENA focuses on legislation that impacts emergency nursing and health care. Below are the following priorities ENA is advocating for:
Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act
One of the top issues affecting emergency nurses is the risk and lasting effects of workplace violence. This legislation would require the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration to establish a national standard requiring all health care employers to develop and implement workplace violence prevention plans. These plans would address important topics such as identifying risks and responding to incidents of violence, documenting and investigating violence, worker training and supporting workers who are assaulted.
Learn more about the status of this bill:
Safety From Violence for Healthcare Employees Act
Emergency Medical Services for Children Reauthorization Act
Since 1984, the EMSC program has served as the only dedicated federal funding specifically supporting pediatric emergency care. This extremely popular bipartisan program has provided critical funding to all 50 states ensuring that kids in the United States have access to the specialized medications, equipment and treatment they need during an emergency. This bill would continue and authorize funding for the EMSC program for an additional five years.
Learn more about the status of this bill:
Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Reauthorization Act
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed how stress and pressure affect the nation’s health care workforce daily. Anxiety and burnout are continuing to negatively impact worker satisfaction and workforce retention, exacerbating the looming nursing shortage. This bill would continue an existing law, originally passed in 2022, aimed at reducing and preventing suicide, burnout and negative mental health conditions among health care professionals.
Learn more about the status of this bill:
Improving Mental Health Access from the Emergency Department Act
Millions of Americans are affected by mental illness, and many present in emergency departments when they are experiencing a mental health crisis. This often leads to overcrowding and the boarding of patients in EDs. To address this issue, this bill provides important resources for emergency departments to connect mental health patients with better treatment options in the community. This goal is for patients to be able to access resources and facilities that are appropriate for their particular needs.
Learn more about the status of this bill:
State Advocacy
Policies with the greatest impact on emergency nurses are often enacted at the state level. ENA’s Government Relations team tracks emergency medical and nursing-related legislation in all 50 states.
ENA works closely with leaders at the state level to identify, review, track and advocate for legislative initiatives including workplace violence and injury prevention, as well as workforce issues such as safe staffing, safe patient handling and nursing scope of practice.
ENA actively seeks opportunities for members to influence the lawmaking process at the state level — through grassroots campaigns or testifying before legislative committees.
State Council Advocacy Toolkit
The efforts of ENA members are critical in advancing key initiatives that have a lasting impact on emergency nursing. The Government Affairs toolkit is designed to assist state council leaders in influencing state lawmaker and agency officials as well as energizing and guiding ENA members to advocate on behalf of themselves and their patients.
Workplace Violence State Map
ENA works at the state level to support and secure passage of laws that allow law enforcement to charge individuals who assault emergency nurses with a felony. This map reflects which states have taken this important step to protect emergency nurses.

ENA Grassroots Advocacy
You can support ENA's advocacy efforts at a grassroots level by joining the EN411 Action Network.
Through the network, you'll hear about opportunities to engage with policymakers, get the latest advocacy updates and more.