Injury Prevention
ENA Resources
- Position Statement: Firearm Safety and Injury Prevention: This position statement lays out the issues surrounding firearm safety and injury prevention and ENA's position on these topics. Click here to view the position statement
- Topic Brief: An Overview of Firearm Safety and Injury Prevention: This topic brief educates emergency nurses on the prevalence of firearm injuries in the U.S., discusses populations at risk, reviews safe storage practices and provides suggestions for patient education. Click here to view the topic brief
- Position Statement: The Role of the Emergency Nurse in Injury Prevention: This position statement discusses the gravity of unintentional injuries, the role of the emergency nurse in educating others, and the significance of public education and healthcare advocacy. Click here to view the position statement
- Infographic: Lock Them Up for Safety: This infographic provides information on different options for safely storing firearms, which can easily be shared with patients and visitors. Click here to view the infographic
- Infographic: Stop the Bleed: How to Become an Instructor: This infographic provides clear instructions on how ED nurses can become a Stop the Bleed instructor. Click here to view the infographic
- Infographic: Stop the Bleed: Improving Survival: This infographic describes the steps to initiate when someone is bleeding and can be posted or provided to patients as bystanders. Click here to view the infographic
- Position Statement: Child Passenger Safety in the United States: This position statement provides a broad overview of the role emergency nurses play in advocating for child safety seats, how to provide awareness, and what resources to use to help educate patients and their families. Click here to view the position statement
- Topic Brief: Child Vehicle Restraint Systems (Safety Seats): When to Reuse and When to Dispose: This topic brief provides current guidelines and information on the reuse and disposal of child safety seats. Click here to view the topic brief
- Toolkit: Community Injury Prevention: The purpose of this toolkit is to review the various levels at which injury prevention interventions can be targeted. Click here to view the toolkit
Preventing Injury, Saving Lives
Statistics show that more Americans die in the first four decades of life from injuries and violence than from any other cause. Those who survive are often left with disabling physical, emotional and financial difficulties.
This staggering loss of life is often attributed to human error which could most often be prevented through greater access to the right information. While many prevention initiatives have been implemented throughout the United States, ongoing work is needed to fully integrate them effectively into clinical and community settings.
ENA and several key partners collaborated with ITN Productions in development of the “Preventing Injury, Saving Lives” video series to take a comprehensive look at how injury prevention programs and outreach, as well as thorough training and skill development, ultimately protect the lives of community members and emergency department patients.
ENA shines a light on the ways its members are carrying the association’s injury prevention mission to the local level. While ENA sets the tone about the importance of injury prevention through the multitude of resources it offers, it is front-line emergency nurses who witness the tragic results of injury and are motivated to take the initiative in their EDs and in their communities to educate the public about avoiding preventable injuries.
The video series also highlights injury prevention initiatives centered on child and adolescent safety, social determinants of health and improved ED design, while showing how education and advanced certifications put nurses in a prime position to develop their life-saving skills in the ED and fully recognize the impact they can have in promoting health and wellness throughout their career.
This series aims to showcase effective prevention methods, explore how best practices inform health advocacy, and demonstrate how education and technology help promote a culture of safety with goals of fewer preventable injury patients in the ED and more lives saved among the traumatically injured.