Group Membership Savings

If you work in a large emergency department and have colleagues who want to advance their careers, you can join or renew as a group to receive the same valuable member benefits at a reduced annual dues rate.


  • The group must include five or more new or renewing members.
  • The group must have a coordinator who is responsible for ensuring the group meets eligibility requirements and will serve as the liaison with ENA.
  • Members must qualify for one of the following types of membership:
    • National Member (RN): Professional registered nurse licensed in the U.S. or its territories. One-year term only.
    • Global Member: Professional registered nurse (licensed or equivalent) residing outside of the U.S. or its territories. One-year term only.
Type of MembershipPriceGroup Rate
National/Global (RN)$115$105
National (RN) for Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Massachussetts, North Carolina and South Carolina residents$120$110
National (RN) for California residents$136$126

Get Started

  1. Identify at least five new or renewing members that meet eligibility requirements.
  2. Complete the online form below to request a discount code to share with your group.
  3. Your group membership code will be emailed to you once created.

Request a Group Discount Code

Need help building a group? Use ENA's recruitment and membership resources to help you communicate the value of ENA membership to your peers.


Contact the ENA Membership Team at or 800.900.9659, ext. 6000.