Partner Education Resources

ENA partners with Apex Innovations, Elsevier, Relias and International Association of Forensic Nurses to offer additional education offerings!

3-PARRT (Providers Assessing Risk and Responding to Trafficking)

The 3-PARRT modules guide health care providers in overcoming an educational gap to help end child trafficking. NAPNAP Partners for Vulnerable Youth is committed to working with educators to improve awareness of trafficking among all health care providers. Up to 87 percent of human trafficking victims have encountered a health care professional without being identified.

Now is your chance to learn about human trafficking, especially related to children, adolescents and teens, so you are ready to help a victim in your practice setting. Don’t be fooled – trafficking happens in every state and every community.

Enter code ENA3PARRT at checkout to save 10%!

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Apex Innovations: EMS MI Rule Visions®

12-lead ECG interpretation template with clear overlay and 3D waveforms. Fits EMS 4” ECG paper and includes essential reference information.
The solution to 12-lead confusion, get yours today!
Also available with EMS ECG Kit

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Apex Innovations: Heart Failure – Comprehensive 2.0®

Heart Failure - Comprehensive 2.0® consists of six guideline-based courses from basics to advanced designed for physicians and advanced practice healthcare professionals or students who care for acutely decompensated heart failure patients and need to understand heart failure hemodynamics.
Developed to promote optimal outcomes, this series explores the complex and progressive nature of heart failure, from basics to hemodynamics and exacerbations to maintenance. Healthcare team collaboration is foundational in patient assessment, management, care coordination and transitions, patient education, and organizational excellence.
Heart Failure - Comprehensive 2.0® is a comprehensive educational package of clinically meaningful, relevant to practice heart failure education essential for orientation, annual competencies, professional development, and to achieve and maintain heart failure accreditation.

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Apex Innovations: Heart Failure Focused 2.0®

Heart Failure - Focused 2.0® consists of three guideline-based courses that bring the complexities and progressive nature of heart failure to life with amazing graphics and engaging interactivity so you can learn more effectively and retain new information quickly!
Designed for healthcare professionals or students caring for the heart failure patient in the emergency, med-surg, telemetry, or general heart failure admission areas, we present heart failure basics, including acute contributors to decompensation This course covers patient assessment, management, care coordination and transitions, patient education, and organizational excellence, emphasizing healthcare team collaboration.
Developed to promote optimal patient outcomes, this clinically meaningful, relevant to practice heart failure education is essential for orientation, annual competencies, professional development, and required accreditation education!

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Apex Innovations: Hemispheres 3.0® Stroke Competency Series

Hemispheres 3.0® Stroke Competency Series presents nine guideline-based courses from stroke basics to urgent management, with an emphasis on excellence in quality care, this comprehensive series promotes healthcare team's skill, strategy, and performance, resulting in positive patient outcomes.
Hemispheres is not your ordinary online education, we bring stroke and neuro content to life with amazing graphics and interactivity to help you learn easier and retain more effectively.
Watch for performance measures required for reporting and reimbursement, interesting care notes, teaching tips, and team tips throughout. Reinforce key information immediately with periodic check learning quizzes.

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Apex Innovations: imPULSE 4.0 ECG and Chest Pain Competency Series

imPULSE 4.0 ECG and Chest Pain Competency Series consists of eleven guideline-based cardiac courses for novice to expert learners. Newly designed with basic and advanced rhythm recognition and 12-lead ECG interpretation courses to improve knowledge and confidence! We bring content to life with amazing graphics, engaging interactivity, and frequent, fun check learning quizzes so you can learn easier and retain longer.
imPULSE 4.0 will make orientation, annual competencies, professional development, and accreditation/certification education simple and easy! From foundational cardiac basics to rhythms and 12-leads, rapid ACS response to ongoing management, and much more, we have you covered! Early heart attack care (EHAC) provides education to non-clinical/support staff and the community to bring everyone together to recognize and respond effectively to a chest pain patient.
imPULSE 4.0 is the only online chest pain and ECG competency series meeting all key education elements required for chest pain center accreditation and heart attack center certification!

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Apex Innovations: MI Rule Visions®

Years ago, a female in her early 40’s who was pain-free and in no apparent distress came to the ED saying her chest “just didn’t feel right” as she thumbed through a magazine. The computer-generated 12-lead ECG interpretation reported “ Normal Sinus Rhythm,” when the patient was actually having an MI!
Realizing computers are only as accurate as the human who programmed them, a 3D template to improve understanding was born. Trialed at an AMI course, MI Rule Visions was a hit! Many said, “It turned the light bulb on, and they finally understood!” A study was later published deeming MI RULE Visions clinically and statistically significant for increasing the ability to identify ST elevation or depression in a 12-lead ECG!
You too can easily understand STEMI on a 12-lead ECG! Get yours today!
Also available with Practice ECG Kit

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Apex Innovations: MI Rule® 15/18

After obtaining a 12-lead ECG, a 15-lead ECG allows a better look at the posterior aspect of the heart, making it easier to diagnose a posterior myocardial infarct.
Once a 12-lead ECG is completed, an 18-lead ECG takes a closer look at the heart’s right side, making it easier to diagnose a right-sided infarct.
MI Rule 15/18 Includes guidelines for obtaining these tracings, suggested treatment pathways for RV infarcts, and other essential references.

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Apex Innovations: Responder 2.0® - STEMI Recognition

Responder 2.0® - STEMI Recognition designed to promote optional outcomes, provides acute coronary syndrome (ACS) education with a focus on STEMI recognition and management for first responders.
Learn to obtain an ECG accurately and competently recognize and manage ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Relevant and essential guideline-based decision and destination protocols and provided to guide best outcomes.
Content engages the learner with interactive case studies, quizzes, and ECG STEMI drills so you and your team can provide confident and competent STEMI care!

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Apex Innovations: Sepsis: A Systemic Response® Competency Series

Sepsis 2.0 - A Systemic Response® consists of four courses designed to promote optimal outcomes. Filled with amazing graphics and engaging interactivity, we bring content to life so you can learn more effectively and retain new information quickly!
This sepsis series offers the healthcare professional or student working with sepsis patients in the ED, ICU, telemetry, or med/surg unit, a comprehensive education package from basics to advanced so you and your team can provide confident and competent care!
This clinically meaningful, relevant to practice, sepsis education is essential for orientation, annual competencies, professional development, and required accreditation education!

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Be-SAFE©, An Educational Intervention for ED Nurses Responding to Opioid Overdoses iBook

Responding to opioid overdoses outside the traditional walls of the emergency department place the nurse and the patient/victim at an increased risk for injury. ENA, in partnership with Tri-Health and the University of Cincinnati, developed Be-SAFE©, An Educational Intervention for ED Nurses Responding to Opioid Overdoses iBook. Download your free copy today. iBook only available on Apple devices.

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Emergency Nursing Certification Review

Interactive learning that engages and gives an in-depth review of emergency patient care. Includes 17 lessons, post-test in each lesson, two 3-hour exams, and incorporates fast facts and memory tips to help you learn information that may be important for the exam.

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Emergency Nursing Orientation Online Course

Forty-five lessons that cover topics from triage to patient assessment to end-of-life care, full range of medical and trauma emergencies, and features that highlight key content, including Age-Specific Considerations and What's the Evidence?

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Emergency Nursing Triage

Helps prepare nurses to effectively, competently, and efficiently triage patients as they present to the emergency department. The course presents triage concepts and helps the learner apply these concepts to practice. The course serves as a foundation from which a nurse can learn the principles of performing triage for any patient who presents to any ED.

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Handling Psychiatric Emergencies

Written by ENA in collaboration with members of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA), this course offers evidence-based continuing education to help nurses provide optimal care to patients experiencing psychiatric emergencies.

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IAFN Pediatric Strangulation Case Review and Assessment

IAFN Pediatric Strangulation Case Review and Assessment is an accredited e-learning module developed by the International Association of Forensic Nurses. It contains 29 cases of living pediatric strangulation patients evaluated and treated in the medical setting, presented in conjunction with evidence-based knowledge on pediatric strangulation evaluation and treatment.

Assess your knowledge acquisition through review of:

  • Definitions and terminology
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Manner and associated signs & symptoms
  • CNE accredited: 20 credits
  • CME accredited: 20 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits

Expand your knowledge, build your skills, and refine your technique in the evaluation and management of pediatric strangulation.

Enter code ENAmember2019 at checkout to receive a 20% discount!

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Pediatric Emergency Nursing Certification Review

Nineteen lessons that cover an in-depth review of emergency pediatric patient care. It includes a post-test in each lesson with answers and rationales to reinforce learning, and two 175-question practice exams constructed according to the CPEN exam blueprint, simulating the actual testing experience.

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Sepsis for Emergency Nurses

In 2018, Relias announced a new partnership with the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA). We are excited to release the collaboration’s first course, Sepsis for Emergency Nurses. Recognizing sepsis’ impact on hospitals, the new module was designed for RNs to identify, treat, and defeat sepsis and reduce risk for hospital-acquired infections.

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