
ENA's geriatric education includes three courses to help you improve geriatric care in your emergency department.
Bundle all three courses for a reduced rate
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As the number of adults 65 and older continues to increase, it is more important than ever for nurses to be prepared to provide care for them in emergency situations. 

ENA offers a portfolio of education utilizing best practices emergency nurses need to care for geriatric patients. Whether you are looking for foundational knowledge or more advanced content, ENA’s full continuum of geriatric emergency nursing education has you covered.

The three geriatric courses are:

GENE Level I 2.0
GENE Level 1 2.0

This course provides the foundational geriatric knowledge, skills and systematic process needed to effectively guide geriatric patient care and improve outcomes. Course expires Dec. 31, 2025.


The increasing geriatric patient population is at high risk for morbidity and mortality due to atypical physiologic and psychologic disease presentations. New graduate ED nurses are entering the workforce due to high ED RN turnover and require education to care for this patient population and promote optimal outcomes.

Module Topics:

  • Delirium and Sepsis
  • Hip Fracture
  • Heart Failure and End-of-life Care
  • Scalp Laceration
  • Weakness and Non-specific Complaints


  • Interactive online modules
  • Online digital badging
  • 1.5 CNE contact hours

Additional Information:

This course is included in the Clinical Practice – Novice Pathway. Click here for more information about pathway education and savings.

Click here to purchase GENE Level I 2.0  

 Click here for group pricing options

GENE: High-Risk Patients
GENE High Risk Patients

Formerly GENE Level II. Improve your geriatric patient care by understanding and exploring why high-risk patients present with vague and atypical symptoms. Course expires June 30, 2027.


Each module focuses on high-risk presentations in geriatric patients in the emergency department using a case-study approach. The Age-Friendly Health System 4Ms Framework (mobility, mentation, medication, and what matters) is integrated into this course.

Module topics:

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Cardiovascular
  • Falls
  • Mental Health


  • Introduces advanced pathophysiology and critical thinking into patient scenarios.
  • Interactive and engaging online experience.
  • Digital Badging
  • Fulfills geriatric accreditation education requirements. 
  • 2.75 CNE hours

Additional Information:

This course is included in the Clinical Practice - Competent Pathway. Click here for more information about pathway education and savings. 

Click here to purchase GENE: High-Risk Patients 

Click here for group pricing options


This course prepares the ED nurse to improve geriatric patient outcomes by providing an awareness of how language barriers in healthcare and a lack of empathy may contribute to a less-than-optimal experience and poor outcomes for the patient. Course expires Oct. 31, 2025.


Level III includes scripted interactions between the patient, nurse, family members, language interpreters and other health care professionals involved in the care of the patient which shows how effective empathetic communication can enhance the patient experience and how miscommunication may lead to less-than-ideal outcomes for the limited English proficient patient.

Module Topics:

  • Presentation/Triage Interaction
  • Assessment
  • Interventions
  • Ongoing Monitoring
  • Outcomes


  • Interactive online modules
  • .75 CNE contact hours

Additional Information:

This course is included in the Clinical Practice - Competent Pathway. Click here for more information about pathway education and savings.

Click here to purchase GENE Level III   

 Click here for group pricing options

GENE: Caring for Veterans
GENE Caring for Veterans

Improve your background education on the military culture, health conditions, and considerations resulting from deployment including mental health problems, socioeconomic determinants, and available veteran resources. Course expires February 11, 2028.


Improve your background education on the military culture, health conditions, and considerations resulting from deployment including mental health problems, socioeconomic determinants, and available veteran resources.

Module Topics:

  • Military structure
  • Storytelling
  • Medical considerations
  • Veteran resources


  • Interactive online modules
  • 1 CNE contact hour