
To ensure every ED patient gets the right care at the right time, ENA is focused on supporting and guiding emergency nurses as they overcome the challenges they face with triage.

ENA's Triage Offerings

Banner showing logos: ESI, Triage Curriculum and Triage Workshop.

Studies show that accurate triage rates are alarmingly low, at 60% or less—an urgent issue impacting patient care. The Emergency Severity Index® is a well-established triage tool used in emergency departments to prioritize care based on a patient’s condition. ESI is validated through extensive research, becoming the standard resource currently utilized in approximately 94% of all US hospitals.

The Emergency Nurses Association recognizes that rapid, accurate triage is vital for efficient emergency department operations and optimal patient outcomes, offering a comprehensive suite of triage education and resources to support this need. From Emergency Severity Index to Triage Curriculum™ to partners in next-generation AI emergency department research, including Mednition, ENA provides a continuum of triage education and resources for nurses of all experience levels.

Let's improve triage accuracy together.

ENA Triage Workshop

The all-new Triage Workshop is an instructor-led class facilitated by ENA-approved emergency nurses with expertise in triage and experience in educating emergency nurses. Triage Workshop offers an engaging learning environment that builds beyond foundational knowledge.

Workshop Overview:

  • Provides an interactive learning environment with instructor-led discussions and triage scenarios to practice the application of knowledge.
  • Didactic information that builds upon the pre-course work.
  • Clinical judgment concepts, factors affecting triage decisions and ESI algorithm education to improve triage accuracy. 
  • Earn up to 17.5 CNE contact hours

What's Included:

  • Triage scenarios
  • Instructor-led discussions
  • Clinical judgment concepts
  • Additional didactic information
  • Dedicated discussion of the ESI algorithm to increase triage accuracy and acuity assignment
  • ENA's Triage Curriculum is included at no cost to the learner. Triage Curriculum is strongly recommended as pre-coursework that should be completed before attending the course.

There are no refunds for Triage Workshop instructor-led courses. If a cancellation is unavoidable, please notify ENA prior to the start of the course and the association will do its best to reassign you. No shows are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Proven Results of The Triage Workshop:

Based on a survey done with pilot hospital leaders in 2024, Triage Workshop saw:

  • 80% strongly agreed triage workshop increased their recognition of high-risk patients
  • 20-40% of learners improved their triage accuracy within nine months.
  • Increased accuracy in identifying ESI 1s and 2s as well as increased confidence in the triage role 

The importance of triage education:

  • Improve patient safety
  • Gain skills for efficient resource allocation
  • Improve accurate assessment
  • Learn tools to manage patient flow
  • Develop confidence in stress management

Register for an upcoming Triage Workshop   

 Click here for group pricing options

Still not sure? You can learn even more about Triage Workshop by listening to the ENA Podcast or watching the Triage Workshop Informational Webinar.

ENA Triage Curriculum

A triage nurse must have exceptional critical thinking skills, clinical expertise, communication skills, compassion and a comprehensive understanding of triage as a point-of-entry process. The all-new ENA Triage Curriculum is a series of courses designed to build a comprehensive base of triage knowledge for the emergency nurse. 

Click here to watch the ENA Triage Curriculum recorded webinar to learn more. 


  • Triage Curriculum provides an emergency nurse with the range of foundational knowledge needed to accurately triage patients
  • Includes eight courses that can be purchased together or individually
  • The content is suitable for all levels of experience
  • Earn up to 11.25 CNE contact hours for all eight courses

Courses Included: 

  • Introduction to Triage
  • Healthcare Law in Triage
  • Communication and Patient Experience
  • Emergency Severity Index® 2.0 Online Course
  • Symptom Presentations and Triage Assessment 
  • Special Population Considerations
  • Prioritizing
  • Triage in Disaster and Mass Casualty Situations

Click here to purchase ENA Triage Curriculum 

Click here for group pricing

Emergency Severity Index

The ESI® algorithm used by approximately 94 percent of U.S. hospitals, provides nurses the tools needed to properly assess patients to optimize patient flow, ensure timely and appropriate care and improve patient outcomes. To support proper training and education on how to utilize the ESI algorithm, ENA offers a handbook and online course that include updated content and research that support Emergency Severity Index level criteria and clarify language that could lead to misinterpretations.

Emergency Severity Index 2.0 Online Course

Learn methods and best practices to properly apply and utilize the ESI algorithm to better identify patients who should be seen first while prioritizing the care of patients with less emergent conditions through engaging interactive online modules.

Course includes:

  • Knowledge checks
  • Case examples
  • Post-course exam to test the learner’s application of ESI
  • Earn up to 5 CNE contact hours 

Click here to purchase ESI 2.0    

Click here for group pricing

Emergency Severity Index Pediatrics 2.0 Online Course

Learn methods and best practices to properly apply and utilize the ESI algorithm with a pediatric focus.

Course includes:

  • Knowledge checks
  • Case examples with a pediatric focus
  • Post-course exam to test the learner’s application of ESI to pediatric patients
  • Earn up to 5 CNE contact hours 

Click here to purchase ESI Pediatrics 2.0     

Click here for group pricing

ESI Handbook, 5th Edition

This handbook assists emergency nurses with the implementation of the Emergency Severity Index. The current handbook has been reorganized and simplified to better explain each decision point within the algorithm. While the algorithm is fundamentally unchanged, there is clarifying wording to support ED nurses in their acuity decision-making. 

Download the free handbook

The handbook does not provide comprehensive triage training. It is best used in conjunction with comprehensive triage education such as ESI 2.0 Course and Triage Curriculum. 

AI and Triage

ENA partnered with Silicon Valley-based Mednition to promote evidence-based practice and advance data-driven research for the next generation of emergency care. Mednition’s flagship artificial intelligence technology, KATE AI, is ENA's official AI Triage Partner and the only AI technology utilizing the standard of care ESI framework, supporting a nurse-centric triage workflow.

KATE AI empowers emergency nurses to save more lives in the ED - with zero extra work for nurses. 

About Kate

KATE enables nurses to spot high-risk patients faster and far more accurately with zero workflow changes. KATE serves as a “second set of eyes” at ED triage by automatically identifying, prioritizing, and notifying on high-risk patients.

KATE is designed for nurses, by nurses, using a “Nurse-First AI” approach and is explicitly designed to support emergency nurses. 

With KATE, nurses can feel confident about the patients in their waiting room and ensure they keep the sickest patients from slipping through the cracks. 

Emergency departments have realized the benefits including:

  • 2x improvement in triage acuity assignment for high-risk patients
  • Improved throughput, length of stay (LOS), and left-without-being-seen (LWBS) rates
  • Improved support and critical reasoning for new-to-practice nurses 

KATE natively integrates with your Epic or Cerner EHR, enabling rapid deployment, and has proven results supporting 5,500+ clinicians who serve more than 1.5+ million patients annually.

Can your ED team improve outcomes with KATE?

Learn More

Listen to emergency nurses share their real experiences with KATE

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