Practice Resources
The Role of the Emergency Nurse in Injury Prevention
This position statement discusses the gravity of unintentional injuries, the role of the emergency nurse in educating others, and the significance of public education and health care advocacy.
Safely Removing Patients From Private Vehicles Infographic
This infographic provides helpful information and tips on how to safely remove patients from private vehicles.
Community Injury Prevention Toolkit
The purpose of this toolkit is to review the various levels at which injury prevention interventions can be targeted. Emergency nurses, being on the front lines of injury treatment and well versed in community outreach, education, and advocacy, are in a unique position to participate...
Child Vehicle Restraint Systems (Safety Seats): When to Reuse and When to Dispose
This topic brief provides current guidelines and information on the reuse and disposal of child safety seats.
Child Passenger Safety in the United States
This position statement provides a broad overview of the role emergency nurses play in advocating for child safety seats, how to provide awareness, and what resources to use to help educate patients and their families.