Practice Resources
Wellness and Health Promotion
This position statement discusses the emergency nurse's role to substantially influence health promotion of patients during ED visits, leading to significant improvements in the health of the population at large.
Weighing All Patients in Kilograms
This position statement discusses the importance of all patients being weighed in kilograms.
Triage Scale Standardization
This joint position statement asserts support for the five level triage system, the Emergency Severity Index.
Triage Qualifications and Competency
This position statement provides the qualifications and competencies recommended by ENA to perform the role of triage.
Transfer of Patient Care Between EMS Providers and Receiving Facilities ENA/ACEP/NAEMSP/NAEMT/NASEMSO Joint Statement
This joint position statement reviews the principles important to ensuring safe patient hand-off from EMS to health care providers at receiving facilities.
The Role of the Registered Nurse in the Use of Intraosseous Vascular Access Devices: ENA/INS Joint Position Statement
This joint position statement discusses the importance of the IO device, how it works, qualifications for use, and need for training, education, and competency validation.
The Emergency Department Technician Handbook
To help ED Technicians support the medical staff in the emergency department Elsevier has developed The Emergency Department Technician Handbook. This resource provides comprehensive information filling a timely need in EDT workforce development for both technicians and educators.
Technology to Improve Safety in the ED Infographic
This infographic describes the various ways technology can be used to improve safety in the ED.
System-Wide Strategies to Reduce Emergency Department Boarding Topic Brief
This topic brief reviews practices and highlights evidence-based strategies that can be implemented to reduce emrgency department boarding.
Sub-dissociative Dose Ketamine for Analgesia Joint ENA/ACEP/SEMPA Policy Statement
This joint position statement educates the reader about how sub-dissociative dose ketamine is used in the ED and includes guidelines for policies and procedures.
Standardized Protocols for Optimizing Emergency Department Care ACEP/ENA Joint Statement
This joint position statement discusses the endorsement for the use of standardized nursing protocol orders (also referred to as standardized procedures, order sets, standing orders, or triage protocols) in the emergency department (ED) for initiation of patient evaluation.
Social Networking by Emergency Nurses Position Statement
This position statement covers the use of social media and an emergency nurse's obligation to adhere to institutional policies, or sign confidentiality agreements to help protect patient privacy.
Safe Discharge from the Emergency Department
This position statement discusses the various barriers that exist in the ED that may hinder the discharge process, the risk factors for discharge failure, and other factors impacting a safe discharge.
Resuscitative Decisions in the Emergency Care Setting
This position statement evaluated the ethical issues regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation, life-sustaining treatment, medically unnecessary treatment, self-determination, and advance directives.
Responsible "Helicopter Shopping" Through Selective Resource Management Joint ENA/ASTNA/IAFCCP Position Statement
This joint position statement describes the elements needed to safely arrange for transport and mitigate the risk associated with contacting multiple helicopter air ambulance, including requirements for notifying agencies of potential selective resource management.
Protocol-Driven Emergency Department Observation Units
This position statement reviews the use of ED protocol-driven observation units as one solution to address overcrowding, escalating healthcare costs and avoidable admissions.
Prevention of Blood Specimen Hemolysis in Peripherally-Collected Venous Specimens Clinical Practice Guideline Synopsis
Which preanalytic variables related to peripheral venous blood specimen collection and transportation decrease hemolysis? This CPG provides practice recommendations on the prevention of blood specimen hemolysis before, during, and after the draw based on a systematic review and...
Prevention of Blood Specimen Hemolysis in Peripherally-Collected Venous Specimens Clinical Practice Guideline
Which preanalytic variables related to peripheral venous blood specimen collection and transportation decrease hemolysis? This CPG provides practice recommendations on the prevention of blood specimen hemolysis before, during, and after the draw based on a systematic review and...
Plain Language Emergency Alerts
This position statement discusses emergency alert codes, and the lack of standardization, miscommunication, and other outcomes surrounding the use of these alerts.
Patient Transfers and Handoffs in Emergency Care Settings
This position statement provides an overview of the patient handoff process and reviews effective communication tools to assist with a safe patient transfer and handoff.