Practice Resources
Aggression Assessment Clinical Practice Guideline Synopsis
In emergency department patients, which assessment tool is effective in detecting patients at risk for aggression/violence? This CPG Synopsis provides practice recommendations for various validated tools that can be used to help identify patients at risk of becoming violent based on a...
Aggression Assessment Clinical Practice Guideline
In emergency department patients, which assessment tool is effective in detecting patients at risk for aggression/violence? This CPG provides practice recommendations for various validated tools that can be used to help identify patients at risk of becoming violent based on a...
Advanced Practice Registered Nurses in the Emergency Care Setting
This position statement reviews the various roles of the advanced practice registered nurse, discusses the challenges with licensing and certification, and provides an overview of the Consensus Model.
Adult and Adolescent Sexual Assault Patients in the Emergency Care Setting
This joint position statement discusses care of the adult and adolescent sexual assault patient in the ED including the importance of providing patient-centered and trauma-informed care.
Active Shooter Incident Preparedness in the Emergency Department
Access to Quality Healthcare
This position statement educates readers on what it means to have access to quality health care, how emergency nurses can help advocate for expanded access, and the health consequences of limited or no access.
AAP Patient- and Family-Centered Care of Children in the Emergency Department
This technical report draws on published policy statements and reports, reviews the current literature, and describes the present state of practice and research regarding patient- and family-centered care for children in the emergency department setting as well as some of the...
AAP Best Practices for Improving Flow and Care of Pediatric Patients in the ED
This technical report provides a summary of best practices for improving flow, reducing waiting times, and improving the quality of care of pediatric patients in the emergency department.
2024 Clinical Nurse Specialist Competencies in the Emergency Care Setting
This practice resource illustrates the competencies for the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) practicing in emergency care. The needs of health care professionals and patients including individuals, families, and populations across the lifespan are emphasized. There are three areas of...
2011 Emergency Department Violence Surveillance Report
This executive summary covers a two-year report of data. ENA initiated a workplace violence surveillance study to collect data on the occurrence of violence toward nurses and the processes used to respond to workplace violence. This two-year report represents analysis of that data.
2021 Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP) Competencies
The 2021 Emergency Nurse Practitioner (ENP) Competencies represents the integration of previously published competencies from both the American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners (AAENP, 2018) and the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA, 2019). This document used an external...