Practice Resources
Palliative and End-of-Life (EOL) Care in the Emergency Department
This position statement reviews the challenges in providing palliative and end-of-life care in the ED, the impact on the emergency nurse, the importance of continuing education, and the need for further education on this topic.
Optimizing the Treatment of Acute Pain in the Emergency Department
This joint position statement reviews care of the patient presenting to the ED with acute pain and recognizes the need for prompt, safe and effective pain management.
Optimizing ED Sepsis Care
This infographic provides a brief description of optimizing sepsis care in the emergency department including barriers and challenges to sepsis care as well as the human and economic impact it has on the U.S.
Opioid Safety Pamphlet
This pamphlet provides information for patients and families on how to recognize and manage an opioid overdose.
Nursing Code of Ethics: Provisions and Interpretative Statements for Emergency Nurses
The “Nursing Code of Ethics: Provisions and Interpretative Statements for Emergency Nurses” functions to supplement the Emergency Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice and serves as a pledge to enumerate and codify those moral precepts that guide emergency nurses’ provision of care...
Nurse Leaders in Emergency Care Settings
This position statement examines the role of the emergency nurse leader and the importance of upholding a commitment to quality, safety, and cost effective care.
Nurse Fatigue White Paper
This white paper examines the impact of fatigue on health care nurse work conditions, including the work culture, shift length, overtime, nurse and patient satisfaction, and the consequences and impact of fatigue on patient care.
Interventions to Reduce Needle-Related Pain and Distress in Pediatric Patients Clinical Practice Guideline Synopsis
Is there evidence of pain and distress reduction in pediatric patients who receive analgesic or anxiolytic interventions during needle-related procedures in the emergency department? This CPG provides practice recommendations for various techniques to reduce pain/distress in pediatric...
Interventions to Reduce Needle-Related Pain and Distress in Pediatric Patients Clinical Practice Guideline
Is there evidence of pain and distress reduction in pediatric patients who receive analgesic or anxiolytic interventions during needle-related procedures in the emergency department? This CPG provides practice recommendations for various techniques to reduce pain/distress in pediatric...
Naloxone Lend a Helping HAND Poster
This poster provides information on how to intervene and assist someone suspected of an opioid overdose and informs others that Naloxone kits are available upon request.
Naloxone Kits Available here Poster
This poster provides information on how to intervene and assist someone suspected of an opioid overdose and informs others that Naloxone kits are available upon request.
Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change on Health and Healthcare: The Role of the Emergency Nurse
This position statement provides an in-depth review of climate change, the role of the emergency nurse advocate, the impact on health, and collaborative opportunities to address climate change.
Medication Management and Reconciliation in the Emergency Setting Position Statement
This position statement describes the challenges and barriers in documenting an accurate and current medication history in the ED.
Management of Vaso-occlusive Episodes in Persons with Sickle Cell Disease in the Emergency Department Topic Brief
This topic brief disseminates evidence-based recommendations for the treatment of patients with sickle cell disease presenting with a vaso-occlusive episode, also referred to as vaso-occlusive crisis.
Log Roll Maneuver Infographic
This infographic provides an algorithm to assist in determining when it is apporpriate to use the log roll maneuver.
Lock Them Up for Safety Infographic
This infographic provides information on different options for safely storing firearms, which can easily be shared with patients and visitors.
Intrapartum Postpartum Hypertension Infographic
This infographic describes the steps to initiate when an intrapartum or postpatrtum hypertensive patient presents to the ED.
Intranasal Medication Administration Clinical Practice Guideline Synopsis
How effective is the intranasal medication administration route for emergency care patients? This CPG provides practice recommendations on several medications via the intranasal route based on a systematic review and critical analysis of the literature.
Intranasal Medication Administration Clinical Practice Guideline
How effective is the intranasal medication administration route for emergency care patients? This CPG provides practice recommendations on several medications via the intranasal route based on a systematic review and critical analysis of the literature.
Intimate Partner Violence ENA/IAFN Joint Position Statement
This joint position statement provides a broad overview of intimate partner violence, the associated lifelong consequences, the need for resources, and the huge benefit of using sexual assault nurse examiners.