Practice Resources
Mass Casualty & Disaster Triage Infographic
This infographic provides information on mass casualty and disaster triage. It covers basic principles, globally used triage systems and color meanings, resources and common types of mass casualty incidents and disasters.
Spinal Motion Restriction in the Trauma Patient
This supported consensus statement provides guidance on the role of backboards and spinal immobilization in out-of-hospital situations.
Use of Thromboelastography (TEG) in the Emergency Department
This topic brief provides an overview of TEG, examines implications of TEG for emergency nursing practice including its application in trauma resuscitation and discuesses opportunities for future research.
Trauma Nursing Education
This position statement discusses the importance of trauma education, the recommended systematic processes for evaluating a trauma patient, and other injury prevention responsibilities of the trauma nurse.
Tranexamic Acid (TXA) Infographic
This infographic describes what tranexamic acid is, how it is administered and contraindications.
Stop the Bleed: Improving Survival Infographic
This infographic describes the steps to initiate when someone is bleeding and can be posted or provided to patients as bystanders.
Stop the Bleed: How to Become an Instructor Infographic
This infographic provides clear instructions on how ED nurses can become a Stop the Bleed instructor.
Log Roll Maneuver Infographic
This infographic provides an algorithm to assist in determining when it is apporpriate to use the log roll maneuver.
Lock Them Up for Safety Infographic
This infographic provides information on different options for safely storing firearms, which can easily be shared with patients and visitors.
Hemorrhage Control Position Statement
This position statement discusses the issues surrounding emergency nurses as advocates for injury prevention.
Firearm Safety and Injury Prevention
This position statement expresses ENA's support of screening patients regarding firearms, childhood access prevention laws, and laws that prohibit access to firearms by those who have domestic violence restraining orders against them or have been convicted of domestic violence and...
An Overview of Tranexamic Acid (TXA) and its Application to Trauma Patients
This topic brief providers emergency nurses with a general overview of TXA, including a historical background and its sapplication in trauma patient care.
An Overview of Firearm Safety and Injury Prevention
This topic brief educates emergency nurses on the prevalence of firearm injuries in the U.S., discusses populations at risk, reviews safe storage practices and provides suggestions for patient education.
Active Shooter Incident Preparedness in the Emergency Department