Position Statements

Child Passenger Safety in the United States

This position statement provides a broad overview of the role emergency nurses play in advocating for child safety seats, how to provide awareness, and what resources to use to help educate patients and their families.

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Topic Briefs

Caring for Neurodiverse Children in the Emergency Department

The purpose of this topic brief is to provide emergency department (ED) nurses with general guidance on caring for neurodiverse children and young adults.

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Caring for Children with Sickle Cell Disease Infographic

This infographic provides a brief description of sickle cell disease and highlights acture complications including patient management.

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Topic Briefs

Care of the Gender-Expansive and Transgender Patient in the Emergency Care Setting

This topic brief overviews gender-expansive and transgender patient populations, describes bethods for creating gender-affirming and supportive environments, discusses barriers to health care and provides recommendations for caring for these populations in the emergency care setting.

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Position Statements

Care of Patients with Chronic/Persistent Pain in the Emergency Care Setting

This position statement focuses on managing patients who present with chronic pain, the impact opioids have had, and the role interstate prescriptions drug monitoring programs play in helping to treat chronic pain.

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Care of LGBTQ Patients in the Emergency Care Setting Toolkit

This toolkit addresses the common health concerns of LGBTQ individuals, and the many barriers that may prevent them from seeking the healthcare they need. Resources are also provided throughout to assist emergency nurses in their commitment to quality and safety in care of LGBTQ people.

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Topic Briefs

Care of Behavioral Health Patients in the Emergency Department

This topic brief summarizes the findings of the ENA white paper "Care of the Psychiatric Patient in the Emergency Department," which identified best practices and gaps in the care of behavioral health patients in the ED.

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Capnography During Procedural Sedation/Analgesia Clinical Practice Guideline Synopsis

CPG - Does use of capnography in patients receiving procedural sedation/analgesia in the emergency department improve outcomes (through earlier detection of adverse events such as hypoventilation and apnea) compared with monitoring the patient using only vital signs, pulse oximetry, and clinical assessment?

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Capnography During Procedural Sedation/Analgesia Clinical Practice Guideline

CPG - Does use of capnography in patients receiving procedural sedation/analgesia in the emergency department improve outcomes (through earlier detection of adverse events such as hypoventilation and apnea) compared with monitoring the patient using only vital signs, pulse oximetry, and clinical assessment?

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Topic Briefs

An Overview of Tranexamic Acid (TXA) and its Application to Trauma Patients

This topic brief providers emergency nurses with a general overview of TXA, including a historical background and its sapplication in trauma patient care.

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