Position Statements

Forensic Nursing in the Emergency Care Setting Position Statement

This position statement examines how forensic education and institutional guidelines can aid the emergency nurse in recognizing, collecting, and preserving evidence while continuing to provide appropriate treatment and patient care.

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Position Statements

Firearm Safety and Injury Prevention

This position statement expresses ENA's support of screening patients regarding firearms, childhood access prevention laws, and laws that prohibit access to firearms by those who have domestic violence restraining orders against them or have been convicted of domestic violence and misdemeanors, and the expansion of background checks.

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Fall Risk Synopsis

In emergency department patients across the lifespan, which fall risk tools accurately identify patients at risk for falling while in the emergency department? This CPG provides practice recommendations for fall risk tools that can be used in the ED based on a systematic review and critical analysis of the literature.

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Fall Risk Clinical Practice Guideline

In emergency department patients across the lifespan, which fall risk tools accurately identify patients at risk for falling while in the emergency department? This CPG provides practice recommendations for fall risk tools that can be used in the ED based on a systematic review and critical analysis of the literature.

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Position Statements

Expanding Roles and Responsibilities for Nurses in Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) For Alcohol and Other Substance Use

This joint position statement provides a broad overview of effective prevention, identification, and early intervention including the use of screening tools for alcohol and other substance use.

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Position Statements

Equitable Care in the Emergency Care Setting

This position statement discusses the importance of cultural sensitivity, the need for further education and training, and practices that can be implemented to provide a safe and inclusive ED.

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Position Statements

Emergency Nursing Interface with Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) and Community Paramedicine (CP) Programs

This position statement discusses the role of the emergency nurse with programs like mobile integrated health and community paramedicine programs.

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Other Resources and Tools

Emergency Nurse Retention

This executive synopsis describes the challenges surrounding nurse retention and offers evidence-based strategies to help retain nurses.

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Position Statements

Emergency Nurse Onboarding

This position statement evaluates the emergency nurse onboarding process, the importance of a tailored new graduate and experienced transitioning nurse program and provides recommendations for key components of a comprehensive orientation.

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Position Statements

Emergency Nurse Duty Hours and Patient Safety

This position statement reviews the challenges associated with the variety of nurse duty hours or shifts, the related consequences of working for multiple employers, and the potential impact to patient safety, the emergency nurse's health and the work environment.

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