Substance Use Disorders and Addiction in the Emergency Care Setting
Substance use disorders have a devastating impact on lives and livelihood. This position statement discusses addiction and substance use disorders in the emergency care setting.
Patient Transfers and Handoffs in Emergency Care Settings
This position statement provides an overview of the patient handoff process and reviews effective communication tools to assist with a safe patient transfer and handoff.
Patient Experience/Satisfaction in the Emergency Care Setting
This position statement discusses the patient experience, what influences patient satisfaction, strategies that might assist, and the role of the emergency nurse.
Patient and Family Centered Care for Children in the Emergency Department: A Self-Assessment Tool
This joint position statement provides a broad overview of effective prevention, identification, and early intervention including the use of screening tools.
Palliative and End-of-Life (EOL) Care in the Emergency Department
This position statement reviews the challenges in providing palliative and end-of-life care in the ED, the impact on the emergency nurse, the importance of continuing education, and the need for further education on this topic.
Optimizing the Treatment of Acute Pain in the Emergency Department
This joint position statement reviews care of the patient presenting to the ED with acute pain and recognizes the need for prompt, safe and effective pain management.
Optimizing ED Sepsis Care
This infographic provides a brief description of optimizing sepsis care in the emergency department including barriers and challenges to sepsis care as well as the human and economic impact it has on the U.S.
Opioid Safety Pamphlet
This pamphlet provides information for patients and families on how to recognize and manage an opioid overdose.
Nursing Code of Ethics: Provisions and Interpretative Statements for Emergency Nurses
The “Nursing Code of Ethics: Provisions and Interpretative Statements for Emergency Nurses” functions to supplement the Emergency Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice and serves as a pledge to enumerate and codify those moral precepts that guide emergency nurses’ provision of care to patients, families, and communities, supporting nursing colleagues in the process.
Nurse Leaders in Emergency Care Settings
This position statement examines the role of the emergency nurse leader and the importance of upholding a commitment to quality, safety, and cost effective care.