Position Statements

Sub-dissociative Dose Ketamine for Analgesia Joint ENA/ACEP/SEMPA Policy Statement

This joint position statement educates the reader about how sub-dissociative dose ketamine is used in the ED and includes guidelines for policies and procedures.

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Stop the Bleed: Improving Survival Infographic

This infographic describes the steps to initiate when someone is bleeding and can be posted or provided to patients as bystanders.

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Stop the Bleed: How to Become an Instructor Infographic

This infographic provides clear instructions on how ED nurses can become a Stop the Bleed instructor.

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Position Statements

Standardized Protocols for Optimizing Emergency Department Care ACEP/ENA Joint Statement

This joint position statement discusses the endorsement for the use of standardized nursing protocol orders (also referred to as standardized procedures, order sets, standing orders, or triage protocols) in the emergency department (ED) for initiation of patient evaluation.

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Position Statements

Staffing and Productivity in the Emergency Department Position Statement

This position statement reviews the challenges associated with staffing and productivity, describes the method for calculating staffing, and other factors influencing nurse staffing requirements.

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Position Statements

Social Networking by Emergency Nurses Position Statement

This position statement covers the use of social media and an emergency nurse's obligation to adhere to institutional policies, or sign confidentiality agreements to help protect patient privacy.

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Topic Briefs

Screening Tools for Older Adults in the Emergency Care Setting

This topic brief describes and compares some of the validated screening tools currently available to assess the physical, social and emotional needs of the older adult in the emergency care setting, and to help simplify selection of the most appropriate tools for translation into a specific plan for each older adult patient.

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Screening Older Adults for Cognitive Impairment Synopsis

Which assessment tools are valid and reliable for the determination of cognitive impairment in patients 65 years and older in the emergency department? This CPG provides practice recommendations for assessment tools that can be used in the ED based on a systematic review and critical analysis of the literature.

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Screening Older Adults for Cognitive Impairment

Which assessment tools are valid and reliable for the determination of cognitive impairment in patients 65 years and older in the emergency department? This CPG provides practice recommendations for assessment tools that can be used in the ED based on a systematic review and critical analysis of the literature.

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Safely Removing Patients From Private Vehicles Infographic

This infographic provides helpful information and tips on how to safely remove patients from private vehicles.

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