Weighing All Patients in Kilograms
This position statement discusses the importance of all patients being weighed in kilograms.
Use of Thromboelastography (TEG) in the Emergency Department
This topic brief provides an overview of TEG, examines implications of TEG for emergency nursing practice including its application in trauma resuscitation and discuesses opportunities for future research.
Triage Scale Standardization
This joint position statement asserts support for the five level triage system, the Emergency Severity Index.
Triage Qualifications and Competency
This position statement provides the qualifications and competencies recommended by ENA to perform the role of triage.
Trauma Nursing Education
This position statement discusses the importance of trauma education, the recommended systematic processes for evaluating a trauma patient, and other injury prevention responsibilities of the trauma nurse.
Transfer of Patient Care Between EMS Providers and Receiving Facilities ENA/ACEP/NAEMSP/NAEMT/NASEMSO Joint Statement
This joint position statement reviews the principles important to ensuring safe patient hand-off from EMS to health care providers at receiving facilities.
Tranexamic Acid (TXA) Infographic
This infographic describes what tranexamic acid is, how it is administered and contraindications.
Toolkit for Mitigating Violence in the Workplace
The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) and ENA convened a Day of Dialogue to discuss how incidents of violence are currently addressed in hospitals, as well as the need to create safe environments. The outcome of the meeting was the development of guiding principles and priorities described in this document.
Tips for Providing Safe Structure for Adult Behavioral Health Patients in the ED Infographic
This infographic provides tips for providing safe structure for adult behavioral health patients.
The Well Nurse
This topic brief encourages nurses to assess and prioritize their own health and well-being and to educate them on how to become a well nurse.