Position Statements

Death of a Child in the Emergency Department

This joint position statement identifies practices and principles to guide the care of children, families, and staff in the challenging and uncommon event of the death of a child in the ED.

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Technical Reports

Death of a Child in the ED Joint Technical Report

This revised technical report and accompanying policy statement reaffirm principles of patient- and family-centered care. Recent literature is examined regarding family presence, termination of resuscitation, bereavement responsibilities of ED clinicians, support of child fatality review efforts, and other issues inherent in caring for the patient, family, and staff when a child dies in the ED. 

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Position Statements

Crowding, Boarding and Patient Throughput

This position statement reviews how crowding, boarding, and patient throughput delays are associated with deleterious patient outcomes, negative impacts on emergency staff, and disruption of communities’ overall emergency services.

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Topic Briefs

Compassion Fatigue

This topic brief describes the reality of compassion fatigue, introduces methods and tools to combat and prevent it and highlights the importance of personal wellness.

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Community Injury Prevention Toolkit

The purpose of this toolkit is to review the various levels at which injury prevention interventions can be targeted. Emergency nurses, being on the front lines of injury treatment and well versed in community outreach, education, and advocacy, are in a unique position to participate in community injury prevention efforts.

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Clinical Practice Guideline Development Manual

This document outlines the approach used to develop clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) to ensure consistency of the evidence appraisal process and incorporation of current, best available evidence for practice. Further, this document serves as a resource for others engaged in similar work by providing a systematic framework to the review and recommendation of research literature to guide emergency nursing practice.

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Clinical Assessment of Acute Hypovolemia Synopsis

In adult and pediatric emergency departments, which non-invasive bedside procedure is best for identification of acute hypovolemia? This CPG provides practice recommendations on the procedure and interpretation for detecting significant fluid volume changes based on a systematic review and critical analysis of the literature.

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Clinical Practice Guidelines

Clinical Assessment of Acute Hypovolemia Clinical Practice Guideline

In adult and pediatric emergency departments, which non-invasive bedside procedure is best for identification of acute hypovolemia? This CPG provides practice recommendations on the procedure and interpretation for detecting significant fluid volume changes based on a systematic review and critical analysis of the literature.

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Understanding Climate Change Infographic

This infographic explains what is climate change, how it impacts health, and what ED nurses can do to help combat it.

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Topic Briefs

Child Vehicle Restraint Systems (Safety Seats): When to Reuse and When to Dispose

This topic brief provides current guidelines and information on the reuse and disposal of child safety seats.

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