Practice Resources
The Role of Emergency Nurses in Emergency Preparedness and Response
This position statement reviews the pivotal role in the emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation process.
Resilience in Emergency Nurses, Organizations, and Disaster Management
The purpose of this topic brief is to educate emergency nurses on the importance of resilience through different viewpoints, provide tips or suggestions on how to build resilience in nurses and organizations, and describe the importance of resilience in the recovery aspect of disaster...
Disasters and Health Equity
The purpose of this topic brief is to facilitate community resilience in disasters and public health emergencies by providing strategies to mitigate inequities and advocate for groups that have been historically marginalized or made vulnerable and more susceptible to the ill effects...
Disaster Planning: Preparing for Pediatric Surges
This topic brief addresses the need for pediatric surge planning and provides information for facilities converting from a standard operating capacity to a pediatric surge capacity.
Disaster Emergency Essentials Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to be a reference for emergency nurses and nurse leaders along with key stakeholders during the disaster process from planning to recovery.