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ENA Announces Bradley Goettl as New Chief Clinical Officer
Texas native brings influential health care leadership experience, strong ENA ties, into new role
ENA, Chamberlain University Collaborate on ED-specific Nursing Elective
ENA and Chamberlain University collaborated on new Introduction to Emergency Nursing class.
Emergency Nurses Report Barriers to Talking with Patients about Serious Illnesses
Three-quarters of patients presenting to an ED with a serious illness do so in the last six months of their life. Being able to have conversations around end-of-life care is crucial so that the nurses can provide care consistent with the patient’s wishes.
ENA Corporate Engagement Council Celebrates Five Years
In its fifth year, the Emergency Nurses Association’s Corporate Engagement Council is focused on advancing the emergency nursing profession and addressing key issues facing the profession including, building the emergency nurse pipeline, AI and how it impacts emergency nursing...
ENA Chief Executive Officer Nancy MacRae Earns CAE Designation
ENA Chief Executive Officer Nancy MacRae recently earned her CAE designation from the American Society of Association Executives.
ENA-Authored ‘Sheehy’s Manual of Emergency Care’ Takes Top AJN Honor
American Journal of Nursing awards Sheehy’s first place in critical care-emergency nursing category.
Emergency Nurses Association Receives 2018 Gold Circle Award for Legislative Advocacy Campaign from ASAE
The Emergency Nurses Association today announced it is being recognized by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) with a 2018 Gold Circle Award in the advocacy category.
ENA Researchers Find Emergency Nurses Underassess for In-Home Firearms
Emergency nurses need better education on the importance of assessing patients for firearms in the home and with how to inquire about the topic in a nonjudgmental, nonconfrontational manner, ENA researchers concluded in a recent study.
ED Nurses Report Higher Work Dissatisfaction Than Inpatient Colleagues
Nurses also rank their most-desired solutions in study published in Journal of Emergency Nursing.
ENA Statement on Gallup Survey on Most Trusted Professions
ENA President Terry Foster released the following statement on nurses once again being rated the most trusted profession in a Gallup survey measuring honesty and ethical standards.
ENA Foundation Announces 2024 Board of Trustees
Amy Boren chairs board that funds research and scholarships for emergency nurses.
Chris Dellinger Ready to Shine a Light on Emergency Nursing
New ENA president begins 2024 term.
ENA Building Momentum Globally in Support of Emergency Nurses
Partnerships help gold standard TNCC and ENPC courses reach more international ED nurses
ENA Letter on Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act
As part of its ongoing efforts to increase the pipeline of new nurses, promote healthy and safe work environments, workplace violence prevention and address boarding ENA sent the following letter to Senator Bernie Sanders to show support for the Primary Care and Health Workforce...
ENA-developed Tool Helps EDs Calculate Nursing Staff Needs
Appropriate staff levels can improve patient outcomes, ED nurse workloads.
ENA Study: Accurate Triage is Valid ED Quality Care Indicator
ENA, Mednition cooperation explores correlation between triage accuracy and hospital Core Measures.
Applications Now Being Accepted for Annual ENA Lantern Awards
Recognition highlights EDs that promote nurse wellbeing, advance patient care, and advance education.
Study Considers the Needs of Cardiac Arrest Patients’ Families in ED
When a patient, regardless of age, experiences cardiac arrest, often the entire family is impacted and involved in care.
ENA 5K Draws Record Number of Participants
Designed to bring together people from around the world to celebrate emergency nurses, the virtual 5K drew 1,053 people together as part of ENA's annual Emergency Nurses Week festivities from Oct. 8-14.
ED Nurses Go Beyond the Call of Duty to Reach ENA Connection’s 20 Under 40 Class
From flight nurses to military members, and mayors to parents, the 2023 ENA Connection 20 Under 40 class has it all.