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Ryan Oglesby Brings Wealth of Experience to Role as 2025 ENA President
The passion for emergency nursing started early for the new Emergency Nurses Association President Ryan Oglesby. From watching medical shows on TV to earning scout badges in first aid and then obtaining EMT certification Oglesby worked his way to a career in emergency nursing that has...
New Enhancements Bolster ENA Emergency Nurse Residency Program
Two years and 70 emergency departments after launching its dynamically successful Emergency Nurses Residency Program, the Emergency Nurses Association raised the bar once again with the recent release of program enhancements that go even further to prepare and support ED nurses.
Message from ENA President Chris Dellinger on Boarding
ENA President Chris Dellinger highlights the association's commitment to finding solutions to the boarding crisis.
Emergency Nurses Association Launches a New Study on Workplace Violence
The Emergency Nurses Association has launched a survey to find the incidence and prevalence of workplace violence experienced by emergency nurses, as well as describe the types of workplace violence, precipitating factors and post-event support for nurses. Researchers will then...
ENA Members Choose Dustin Bass as ENA 2025 President-Elect
Bass, a member of the ENA Board of Directors since 2021, currently serves as its secretary/treasurer. After his year as president-elect Bass will become ENA president in 2026. As president, Bass looks forward to leveraging his experiences and connections around the world to champion...
New Triage Workshop Focuses on Improved Triage Accuracy
The Emergency Nurses Association recently launched its new Triage Workshop aimed at increasing triage accuracy for all emergency department nurses.
ENA Featuring New FBI Educational Series on Weapons of Mass Destruction
ENA and the FBI teamed up to share a new series focused on better informing health care workers about weapons of mass destruction.
ENA Survey: 56 Percent of ED Nurses Assaulted in the Past Month
A recent “pulse check” survey of Emergency Nurses Association members revealed more than half of the responding emergency nurses had been either physically or verbally assaulted or threatened with violence in the previous 30 days.
ENA Sounds Alarm About Violence Against ED Nurses
On Capitol Hill, ENA, ACEP and ANA call for laws to mitigate violence in health care.
ENA Announces Bradley Goettl as New Chief Clinical Officer
Texas native brings influential health care leadership experience, strong ENA ties, into new role
ENA, Chamberlain University Collaborate on ED-specific Nursing Elective
ENA and Chamberlain University collaborated on new Introduction to Emergency Nursing class.
ENA Statement on Gallup Survey on Most Trusted Professions
ENA President Terry Foster released the following statement on nurses once again being rated the most trusted profession in a Gallup survey measuring honesty and ethical standards.
ENA-Authored ‘Sheehy’s Manual of Emergency Care’ Takes Top AJN Honor
American Journal of Nursing awards Sheehy’s first place in critical care-emergency nursing category.
Emergency Nurses Association Receives 2018 Gold Circle Award for Legislative Advocacy Campaign from ASAE
The Emergency Nurses Association today announced it is being recognized by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) with a 2018 Gold Circle Award in the advocacy category.
ENA Researchers Find Emergency Nurses Underassess for In-Home Firearms
Emergency nurses need better education on the importance of assessing patients for firearms in the home and with how to inquire about the topic in a nonjudgmental, nonconfrontational manner, ENA researchers concluded in a recent study.
Chris Dellinger Ready to Shine a Light on Emergency Nursing
New ENA president begins 2024 term.
ENA Building Momentum Globally in Support of Emergency Nurses
Partnerships help gold standard TNCC and ENPC courses reach more international ED nurses
ENA-developed Tool Helps EDs Calculate Nursing Staff Needs
Appropriate staff levels can improve patient outcomes, ED nurse workloads.
Ryan Oglesby Chosen as ENA President-Elect
Ryan Oglesby, PhD, MHA, RN, CEN, CFRN, NEA-BC, has been elected 2024 president-elect of the Emergency Nurses Association. ENA members also elect Secretary/Treasurer, Directors and 3 Committee Members.
Emergency Nurses Association Launches Engage, Powered by ENA
ENA on Monday launched a new business initiative focused on improving emergency nurse work environments.