Ryan Oglesby Chosen as ENA President-Elect
ENA members also elect Secretary/Treasurer, Director and 3 Committee Members
SCHAUMBURG, Ill. (Sept. 25, 2023) – Ryan Oglesby, PhD, MHA, RN, CEN, CFRN, NEA-BC, has been elected 2024 president-elect of the Emergency Nurses Association.
“I’m very excited. It’s certainly an honor and a privilege,” said Oglesby, who lives in Florida. Oglesby has served on the ENA Board of Directors since 2019 and is the current secretary/treasurer. Following his year as president-elect, he will take on the role of president in 2025. Oglesby said he looks forward to his upcoming years on the board and wants to increase the opportunities members have to engage with the board.
“We have done a lot of work within the past few years building a collaborative board culture, and I look forward to the board being stronger every year,” he said. He also complimented newly elected directors and the Nominations and Elections Committee members.
“We had a wonderful slate of candidates,” he said, and he anticipates they will help drive more diverse leadership within the organization.
Oglesby’s more than 27 years of clinical and administrative experience includes roles in emergency and pre-hospital nursing, emergency department and transport services educator, critical care staff development instructor and as a flight nurse. In addition, he was a global lead for ED and patient throughput assessments at a health care consulting firm, enabling him to work with EDs in numerous countries.
While still in nursing school at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Oglesby began his career in emergency care as an EMT. He earned master’s degrees in nursing and health administration from UNC-Charlotte and a Doctor of Philosophy in nursing from UNC-Greensboro. Oglesby has been involved with ENA for nearly 20 years, including serving terms as president of the Piedmont Chapter and the North Carolina ENA State Council. He was a delegate for six years and served on the Nominations and Elections Committee and Governance Assessment Work Team.
In addition to choosing a president-elect, ENA members elected a new secretary/treasurer and two directors to the ENA Board of Directors. Chris Dellinger, MBA, BSN, RN, FAEN, who was elected as president-elect in 2022, will take over the role of president.
Secretary/Treasurer: Dustin Bass, DNP, MHA, BSN, RN, CEN, NEA-BC, of North Carolina
Directors (three-year terms)
- Heidi Gilbert, MSN, RN, CEN, SANE, TCRN, of Oklahoma
- Lauren Plaine, MPS, BSN, RN, CEN, of Virginia
ENA members also elected three people to serve three-year terms on the Nominations and Elections Committee, which recruits and mentors association members who plan to seek leadership roles in ENA.
Region 1: Melane Marsh, MSN, BSN, CEN, CMRN, of Nevada
Region 3: India Owens, MSN, RN, CEN, NE-BC, FAEN, of Indiana
Region 5: Dawn MacMullen, RN, CEN, CLNC, of New York
The Emergency Nurses Association is the premier professional nursing association dedicated to defining the future of emergency nursing through advocacy, education, research, innovation, and leadership. Founded in 1970, ENA has proven to be an indispensable resource to the global emergency nursing community. With 50,000 members worldwide, ENA advocates for patient safety, develops industry-leading practice standards and guidelines and guides emergency health care public policy. ENA members have expertise in triage, patient care, disaster preparedness, and all aspects of emergency care. Additional information is available at