Advocacy News
ENA-supported Programs Included in House-passed Funding Legislation
On Thursday, the House of Representatives passed the FY 2022 Labor, Health & Human Services, and Education Appropriations Bill which includes important funding priorities supported by the Emergency Nurses Association.
ENA Successfully Opposes APRN Proposal in Oregon
On June 17, the Oregon State Board of Nursing rejected a proposed rule change that would have created a new emergency nurse practitioner license that limited which nurse practitioners could receive the license.
ENA Joins Letter Sent to UnitedHealthcare
The Emergency Nurses Association signed on to the following letter to United Healthcare Chief Executive Officer Brian Thompson following the announcement of a new policy to allow for the retroactive denial of coverage for emergency care.
ENA-backed Suicide Screenings Legislation Passes House
As the Emergency Nurses Association finished its Day off the Hill advocacy event, the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday approved the ENA-supported Effective Suicide Screening and Assessment in the Emergency Department Act.
ENA, AAP, ACEP Joint Statement on Improved Care for Children
Organizations call for better collaboration and more resources to enhance childrens’ access to optimal emergency care.
ENA President Ron Kraus Encourages All to #EducateToVaccinate
With roughly 25 percent of Americans now vaccinated, ENA President Ron Kraus is encouraging everyone to get their COVID-19 vaccine as eligibility opens up.
House Passes Emergency Nurses Association-backed Workplace Violence Legislation
The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday approved the ENA-supported Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act following its introduction by Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT) in February.
ENA-Supported Suicide Screening Legislation Reintroduced in Senate, House
Effective Suicide Screening and Assessment in the Emergency Department Act aims to improve suicide risk protocols.
ENA Requests President-elect Biden Include Nurses on COVID-19 Task Force
The Emergency Nurses Association sent the following letter to President-elect Biden after the announcement that his COVID-19 Task Force did not include any nurses.
Congress Passes COVID-19 Stimulus Package and ENA-backed Appropriations Bill
Congress on Monday approved a COVID-19 stimulus package and Fiscal Year 2021 omnibus appropriations bill. Importantly, the legislation will provide additional funding for the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.
ENA Urges Emergency Nurses to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine
Based on the science and evidence surrounding COVID-19 vaccines, the Emergency Nurses Association on Monday urged all emergency nurses to get vaccinated and encourage others to do so to promote public health.
House Passes ENA-backed Legislation to Enhance Suicide Screenings
The House of Representatives on Tuesday passed the Effective Suicide Screening and Assessment in the Emergency Department Act, Emergency Nurses Association priority legislation focused on improving the ability of health care professionals working in hospital emergency departments to...
How ENA is Advancing the Conversation
ENA President Mike Hastings' message to members focuses on how ENA is advancing the conversation on systemic racism.
ENA joins health care organizations in supporting health care providers in post-COVID era
ENA and several emergency medicine and other leading medical associations, academics and psychiatry experts collaborated on a statement that outlines steps to support the mental health of emergency health care providers and other health professionals currently risking their lives to...
ENA Joins Call to Action to Fight COVID-19
On Tuesday, the Emergency Nurses Association announced it has joined other health care organizations to call on the government, private sector and all Americans to help in the fight against COVID-19.
ENA Praises Signing of CARES Act in Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic
ENA commended Friday's signing of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act which includes billions of dollars to support emergency nurses and other front-line health care providers during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
ENA Speaks Strongly for Emergency Nurses During White House Meeting on COVID-19
In a White House meeting on Wednesday, President-elect Ron Kraus spoke pointedly about the needs of emergency nurses amid the outbreak, while emphasizing the strong role ENA and all ED nurses play in this rapidly developing situation.
ENA-backed Legislation to Improve Suicide Screenings Introduced in U.S. Senate
The Emergency Nurses Association-supported Effective Suicide Screening and Assessment in the Emergency Department Act was introduced in the Senate as a companion bill to the House version filed in November.
ENA-Supported Workplace Violence Bill Passed by House of Representatives
The Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Services Act of 2019, ENA priority legislation, was passed Thursday by the House of Representatives.
ENA Applauds Introduction of ED Suicide Screening Legislation in Congress
The Effective Suicide Screening and Assessment in the Emergency Department Act would create a grant program within the Department of Health and Human Services that is focused on assisting EDs develop ways to better identify, assess and treat patients with signs of suicidality.