Advocacy News
Quote from ENA President on Pediatric Emergency Care
“It’s so important that EDs are prepared for pediatric patients when they come through our doors. Investing in their care – from having pediatric-specific equipment to proper staff training – can help save the lives of one of our more vulnerable populations,” said ENA President Chris...
ENA-supported Programs Included in House-passed Funding Legislation
On Thursday, the House of Representatives passed the FY 2022 Labor, Health & Human Services, and Education Appropriations Bill which includes important funding priorities supported by the Emergency Nurses Association.
ENA Applauds Introduction of ED Suicide Screening Legislation in Congress
The Effective Suicide Screening and Assessment in the Emergency Department Act would create a grant program within the Department of Health and Human Services that is focused on assisting EDs develop ways to better identify, assess and treat patients with signs of suicidality.