Advocacy News
ENA Statement on Current Public Health Matters
It all comes back to patient care. For 54 years, ENA has delivered and supported the use of the evidence-based resources emergency nurses need to provide the highest quality care possible to every patient. And, without exception, ENA believes every person is entitled to equitable...
Emergency Medical Services for Children Reauthorization Act Signed into Law by President
Championed by ENA for many years, and a key legislative priority for the association in 2024, the Emergency Medical Services for Children program will continue to support emergency departments after President Biden signed the bill reauthorizing EMSC’s funding through 2029.
Quote from ENA President on Pediatric Emergency Care
“It’s so important that EDs are prepared for pediatric patients when they come through our doors. Investing in their care – from having pediatric-specific equipment to proper staff training – can help save the lives of one of our more vulnerable populations,” said ENA President Chris...
Message from ENA President Chris Dellinger on Boarding
ENA President Chris Dellinger highlights the association's commitment to finding solutions to the boarding crisis.
Joint Letter Highlights Supply Chain Issues Following Hurricane Helene
On Oct. 10, ENA co-signed a letter to the Food and Drug Administration related to supply chain issues by damage to a Baxter manufacturing site in North Carolina.
ENA Statement on Supreme Court’s EMTALA Opinion
ENA is unwavering in its support for EMTALA because it puts the health and well-being of every patient at the forefront.
ENA Statement on Surgeon General Declaring Gun Violence Public Health Crisis
ENA finds surgeon general's advisory aligns with the association's position on several aspects of firearm safety and injury prevention.
ENA Statement on Supreme Court Reversing Bump Stock Ban
ENA continues its call for a ban on the possession or sale of bump stocks as part of the association's larger call to ban assault weapons.
ENA Statement on Access to Quality Health Care and EMTALA
On Wednesday, ENA issued the following statement relating to recent arguments before the Supreme Court about the applicability of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act.
House Passes Emergency Medical Services for Children Reauthorization Act
The House of Representatives, in a bipartisan vote, approved the ENA-supported Emergency Medical Services for Children Reauthorization Act (H.R. 6960/S. 3765) on Wednesday. The EMSC Reauthorization Act, introduced by Rep. Earl “Buddy” Carter, R-GA, is an ENA priority this year because...
Emergency Department Nurses Take To Capitol Hill
Emergency nurses are strong advocates for the laws and tools they need to be safe at work and sufficiently prepared to care for all their patients. Emergency nurses from nearly every state gathered in Washington, D.C., this week for the Emergency Nurses Association’s annual Day on the...
ENA Sounds Alarm About Violence Against ED Nurses
On Capitol Hill, ENA, ACEP and ANA call for laws to mitigate violence in health care.
MEDIA ALERT: Congressional Briefing on The Crisis of Workplace Violence in Emergency Departments
Violence against health care workers is putting emergency care teams and patients at risk. Threats and attacks are increasingly common and must not be accepted as “just part of the job.” The need to improve protections for workers on the frontlines is growing more urgent every day.
Emergency Nurses Association Receives 2018 Gold Circle Award for Legislative Advocacy Campaign from ASAE
The Emergency Nurses Association today announced it is being recognized by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) with a 2018 Gold Circle Award in the advocacy category.
ENA Letter on Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act
As part of its ongoing efforts to increase the pipeline of new nurses, promote healthy and safe work environments, workplace violence prevention and address boarding ENA sent the following letter to Senator Bernie Sanders to show support for the Primary Care and Health Workforce...
Strategies Needed to Improve Care for Adolescents Seeking Help for Mental, Behavioral Health Concerns
The time is now to improve access to emergency care for the rising numbers of children and adolescents seeking help for mental and behavioral health emergencies. Strategies to address challenging circumstances that affect prehospital services, the surrounding community and, ultimately...
ENA Calls for Assault Weapons Ban, Firearms Purchase Age Increase
ENA released its strongest firearm safety related position statement in the association's 53-year history.
National Assessment Highlights COVID-19 Impact on Emergency Department Pediatric Capabilities
Emergency departments have made progress but do not fully meet national guidelines for pediatric emergency care, despite the association with improved survival, found a study in JAMA Network Open.
Emergency Department Boarding and the Strain on the Health Care Safety Net
Emergency nurses and physicians are sounding the alarm: the number of patients “boarding,” or held in the emergency department while waiting for care, has reached a crisis level. Unfortunately, patients with mental health needs are disproportionately affected.
ENA-backed Legislation Focuses on Mental Health Treatment in EDs
Improved access to mental health care and reducing ED boarding are ENA priorities