Practice Resources
Intrapartum Postpartum Hypertension Infographic
This infographic describes the steps to initiate when an intrapartum or postpatrtum hypertensive patient presents to the ED.
Interdisciplinary Guidelines for care of Women Presenting to the Emergency Department with Pregnancy Loss
Members of the National Perinatal Association and other organizations have collaborated to identify principles to guide the care of women, their families, and the staff, in the event of the loss of a pregnancy at any gestational age in the Emergency Department (ED). Review this...
Identifying and Managing Obstetric Emergencies in Nonobstetric Settings
This multiyear initiative seeks to enhance the identification and management of pregnancy-related emergencies in nonobstetric settings
Guidelines for Care of Children in the ED Checklist
This checklist is based on the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), and Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) 2009 joint policy statement “Guidelines for Care of Children in the Emergency Department.” Complete this checklist to determine...
Geriatric Emergency Department Readiness Toolkit
The toolkit follows recommendations of the Geriatric ED Guidelines and expands upon each of the six core areas by providing the significance, key concepts, resources, and potential challenges and solutions for each.
Emergency Care for Patients During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period: Emergency Nurses Association and Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses Joint Position Statement
This joint position statement reviews the various issues and challenges of caring for patients during pregnancy and the postpartum period, identifies high-risk and life-threatening obstetric complications, and emphasizes the need for further education and training.
ED Readiness For Children Infographic
This infographic provides information on how to improve your ED's readiness to care for children.
Death of a Child in the Emergency Department
This joint position statement identifies practices and principles to guide the care of children, families, and staff in the challenging and uncommon event of the death of a child in the ED.
Death of a Child in the ED Joint Technical Report
This revised technical report and accompanying policy statement reaffirm principles of patient- and family-centered care. Recent literature is examined regarding family presence, termination of resuscitation, bereavement responsibilities of ED clinicians, support of child fatality...
Caring for Neurodiverse Children in the Emergency Department
The purpose of this topic brief is to provide emergency department (ED) nurses with general guidance on caring for neurodiverse children and young adults.
Caring for Children with Sickle Cell Disease Infographic
This infographic provides a brief description of sickle cell disease and highlights acture complications including patient management.
Care of the Gender-Expansive and Transgender Patient in the Emergency Care Setting
This topic brief overviews gender-expansive and transgender patient populations, describes bethods for creating gender-affirming and supportive environments, discusses barriers to health care and provides recommendations for caring for these populations in the emergency care setting.
Care of LGBTQ Patients in the Emergency Care Setting Toolkit
This toolkit addresses the common health concerns of LGBTQ individuals, and the many barriers that may prevent them from seeking the healthcare they need. Resources are also provided throughout to assist emergency nurses in their commitment to quality and safety in care of LGBTQ...
Care of Behavioral Health Patients in the Emergency Department
This topic brief summarizes the findings of the ENA white paper "Care of the Psychiatric Patient in the Emergency Department," which identified best practices and gaps in the care of behavioral health patients in the ED.
Aggression Assessment Clinical Practice Guideline Synopsis
In emergency department patients, which assessment tool is effective in detecting patients at risk for aggression/violence? This CPG Synopsis provides practice recommendations for various validated tools that can be used to help identify patients at risk of becoming violent based on a...
Aggression Assessment Clinical Practice Guideline
In emergency department patients, which assessment tool is effective in detecting patients at risk for aggression/violence? This CPG provides practice recommendations for various validated tools that can be used to help identify patients at risk of becoming violent based on a...
AAP Patient- and Family-Centered Care of Children in the Emergency Department
This technical report draws on published policy statements and reports, reviews the current literature, and describes the present state of practice and research regarding patient- and family-centered care for children in the emergency department setting as well as some of the...
AAP Best Practices for Improving Flow and Care of Pediatric Patients in the ED
This technical report provides a summary of best practices for improving flow, reducing waiting times, and improving the quality of care of pediatric patients in the emergency department.
2011 Emergency Department Violence Surveillance Report
This executive summary covers a two-year report of data. ENA initiated a workplace violence surveillance study to collect data on the occurrence of violence toward nurses and the processes used to respond to workplace violence. This two-year report represents analysis of that data.