Practice Resources
The Emergency Nurse’s Role in Supporting Pediatric Readiness in the Emergency Department
This position statement discusses the need for all emergency nurses to have access to the appropriate resources and demonstrate critical competencies to provide safe, effective care and emergency stabilization for pediatric patients in the ED setting, regardless of the volume of...
Workplace Violence and Its Impact on the Emergency Nurse
This position statement evaluates the various factors that contribute to violence in the emergency care setting and discusses ENA's stance on personal safety, zero-tolerance, and the importance of organizational commitment to reducing workplace violence.
Toolkit for Mitigating Violence in the Workplace
The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) and ENA convened a Day of Dialogue to discuss how incidents of violence are currently addressed in hospitals, as well as the need to create safe environments. The outcome of the meeting was the development of guiding principles and...
Tips for Providing Safe Structure for Adult Behavioral Health Patients in the ED Infographic
This infographic provides tips for providing safe structure for adult behavioral health patients.
Suicide Risk Assessment Clinical Practice Guideline Synopsis
What risk assessment tools and predictors are effective in screening for self-harm or suicidal ideation during initial assessment of patients across the life span in the emergency department? This CPG provides practice recommendations on the initial suicide assessment, use of various...
Suicide Risk Assessment Clinical Practice Guideline
What risk assessment tools and predictors are effective in screening for self-harm or suicidal ideation during initial assessment of patients across the life span in the emergency department? This CPG provides practice recommendations on the initial suicide assessment, use of various...
Screening Tools for Older Adults in the Emergency Care Setting
This topic brief describes and compares some of the validated screening tools currently available to assess the physical, social and emotional needs of the older adult in the emergency care setting, and to help simplify selection of the most appropriate tools for translation into a...
Screening Older Adults for Cognitive Impairment Synopsis
Which assessment tools are valid and reliable for the determination of cognitive impairment in patients 65 years and older in the emergency department? This CPG provides practice recommendations for assessment tools that can be used in the ED based on a systematic review and critical...
Screening Older Adults for Cognitive Impairment
Which assessment tools are valid and reliable for the determination of cognitive impairment in patients 65 years and older in the emergency department? This CPG provides practice recommendations for assessment tools that can be used in the ED based on a systematic review and critical...
Providing a Safe Environment for Pediatric Behavioral Health Patients in the ED Infographic
This infographic provides tips for providing safe structure for pediatric behavioral health patients.
Physical Child Abuse
This topic brief provides information and resources on identifying, reporting, management of care and documenting physical child abuse in the emergency care setting.
Pediatric Readiness in the Emergency Department, ENA/AAP/ACEP Joint Policy Statement
This joint position statement outlines resources necessary for EDs to stand ready to care for children of all ages.
Pediatric Pain
This topic brief provides information and resources to enhance the ability of emergency nurses to assess, minimze and more effectively manage pain in the pediatric patient.
Pediatric Medication Safety in the Emergency Department ENA/AAP/ACEP Policy Statement
Pediatric patients cared for in emergency departments (EDs) are at high risk of medication errors for a variety of reasons. Read this joint position statement to review the discussion on medication safety in the ED.
Pediatric Medication Safety in the Emergency Department
This joint position statement discusses pediatric medication safety in the emergency department.
Pediatric Interfacility Transfer Guide
The Emergency Medical Services for Children Program, in collaboration with the Emergency Nurses Association and Society of Trauma Nurses, developed this updated Pediatric Interfacility Transfer Guide to help ED clinicians plan, prepare, and execute transfers for young patients.
Pediatric Fever
This topic brief helps emergency nurses educate caregivers on misconceptions surrounding fever and fear of severe side effects which can lead to unnecessary clinic visits, lab testing and antipyretic and antimicrobial therapy.
Pediatric Febrile Seizure Infographic
This infographic can be used as supplemental discharge instructions for pediatric patients who have experienced a febrile seizure.
Patient and Family Centered Care for Children in the Emergency Department: A Self-Assessment Tool
This joint position statement provides a broad overview of effective prevention, identification, and early intervention including the use of screening tools.
Management of Vaso-occlusive Episodes in Persons with Sickle Cell Disease in the Emergency Department Topic Brief
This topic brief disseminates evidence-based recommendations for the treatment of patients with sickle cell disease presenting with a vaso-occlusive episode, also referred to as vaso-occlusive crisis.