Practice Resources

ENA's evidence-based emergency nursing resources to help you deliver safe practice and care. You can search by type of resource or topics using the dropdowns below. You can also search by typing in keywords to the search bar.
Displaying 101 - 120 of 151
Position Statements

Emergency Nurse Onboarding

This position statement evaluates the emergency nurse onboarding process, the importance of a tailored new graduate and experienced transitioning nurse program and provides recommendations for key components of a comprehensive orientation.

Position Statements

Emergency Nurse Duty Hours and Patient Safety

This position statement reviews the challenges associated with the variety of nurse duty hours or shifts, the related consequences of working for multiple employers, and the potential impact to patient safety, the emergency nurse's health and the work environment.

Topic Briefs

Emergency Department Throughput

This topic brief reviews multiple challenges encountered during the care, treatment, and disposition of ED patients, and offer meaningful workflow practice changes and innovative strategies to help improve patient throughput. 

Topic Briefs

Disasters and Health Equity

The purpose of this topic brief is to facilitate community resilience in disasters and public health emergencies by providing strategies to mitigate inequities and advocate for groups that have been historically marginalized or made vulnerable and more susceptible to the ill effects...

Technical Reports

Death of a Child in the ED Joint Technical Report

This revised technical report and accompanying policy statement reaffirm principles of patient- and family-centered care. Recent literature is examined regarding family presence, termination of resuscitation, bereavement responsibilities of ED clinicians, support of child fatality...

Position Statements

Crowding, Boarding and Patient Throughput

This position statement reviews how crowding, boarding, and patient throughput delays are associated with deleterious patient outcomes, negative impacts on emergency staff, and disruption of communities’ overall emergency services.

Topic Briefs

Compassion Fatigue

This topic brief describes the reality of compassion fatigue, introduces methods and tools to combat and prevent it and highlights the importance of personal wellness.