Practice Resources
Expanding Roles and Responsibilities for Nurses in Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) For Alcohol and Other Substance Use
This joint position statement provides a broad overview of effective prevention, identification, and early intervention including the use of screening tools for alcohol and other substance use.
Equitable Care in the Emergency Care Setting
This position statement discusses the importance of cultural sensitivity, the need for further education and training, and practices that can be implemented to provide a safe and inclusive ED.
Emergency Nursing Interface with Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) and Community Paramedicine (CP) Programs
This position statement discusses the role of the emergency nurse with programs like mobile integrated health and community paramedicine programs.
Emergency Nurse Retention
This executive synopsis describes the challenges surrounding nurse retention and offers evidence-based strategies to help retain nurses.
Emergency Nurse Onboarding
This position statement evaluates the emergency nurse onboarding process, the importance of a tailored new graduate and experienced transitioning nurse program and provides recommendations for key components of a comprehensive orientation.
Emergency Nurse Duty Hours and Patient Safety
This position statement reviews the challenges associated with the variety of nurse duty hours or shifts, the related consequences of working for multiple employers, and the potential impact to patient safety, the emergency nurse's health and the work environment.
Emergency Department Throughput
This topic brief reviews multiple challenges encountered during the care, treatment, and disposition of ED patients, and offer meaningful workflow practice changes and innovative strategies to help improve patient throughput.
Emergency Department Safety NET: Naloxone Education Toolkit
The ENA Naloxone Education Toolkit (NET) is designed for emergency nurses and providers, and includes the necessary resources to educate patients and family members about opioid overdose.
Emergency Department Productivity: Accounting for Boarded Patients
This executive synopsis provides the rationale and tools for hospitals to keep the calculation of caregiver hours for emergency department (ED) patients separate from caregiver hours for boarded patients. It also provides various accounting methodologies to account for additional...
Emergency Department Care for Prepubescent Patients Who Have Been Sexually Abused
This joint position statement provides a brief overview of caring for prepubescent pediatric sexual abuse patients in the ED.
Emergency Care for Patients During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period: Emergency Nurses Association and Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses Joint Position Statement
This joint position statement reviews the various issues and challenges of caring for patients during pregnancy and the postpartum period, identifies high-risk and life-threatening obstetric complications, and emphasizes the need for further education and training.
ED Readiness For Children Infographic
This infographic provides information on how to improve your ED's readiness to care for children.
Early Recognition of Sepsis in the Pediatric Patient
This topic brief provides information and resources for the timely identification of sepsis in the pediatric patient and the appropriate emergency nursing care.
Disasters and Health Equity
The purpose of this topic brief is to facilitate community resilience in disasters and public health emergencies by providing strategies to mitigate inequities and advocate for groups that have been historically marginalized or made vulnerable and more susceptible to the ill effects...
Disaster Planning: Preparing for Pediatric Surges
This topic brief addresses the need for pediatric surge planning and provides information for facilities converting from a standard operating capacity to a pediatric surge capacity.
Disaster Emergency Essentials Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to be a reference for emergency nurses and nurse leaders along with key stakeholders during the disaster process from planning to recovery.
Death of a Child in the Emergency Department
This joint position statement identifies practices and principles to guide the care of children, families, and staff in the challenging and uncommon event of the death of a child in the ED.
Death of a Child in the ED Joint Technical Report
This revised technical report and accompanying policy statement reaffirm principles of patient- and family-centered care. Recent literature is examined regarding family presence, termination of resuscitation, bereavement responsibilities of ED clinicians, support of child fatality...
Crowding, Boarding and Patient Throughput
This position statement reviews how crowding, boarding, and patient throughput delays are associated with deleterious patient outcomes, negative impacts on emergency staff, and disruption of communities’ overall emergency services.
Compassion Fatigue
This topic brief describes the reality of compassion fatigue, introduces methods and tools to combat and prevent it and highlights the importance of personal wellness.