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ENA Statement on End of COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration
As the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration ends in the U.S., ENA President Terry Foster thanks nurses for their work throughout the pandemic.
ENA Statement on RSV/COVID/Flu Tridemic
Emergency departments across the country are facing overcrowding and long wait times driven by the recent surge of pediatric patients presenting with RSV. Combining that with an early rise in flu cases and a possible winter wave of COVID-19 has led to concerns about a “tridemic.”
ENA Pleased by Supreme Court Decision to Uphold Health Care Worker Vaccine Mandate
The Emergency Nurses Association on Thursday applauded a key ruling on vaccine mandates for health care workers, while also reminding the public to think twice before visiting a local emergency department seeking a COVID-19 test.
ENA Announces Support for Biden Administration Vaccine Plan
On Emergency Nurses Day, ENA encourages the public to hear and trust emergency nurses about the need for increased COVID-19 vaccination rates.
ENA Study Explores Secondary Traumatic Stress in Near Real-time
Newly published research by the Emergency Nurses Association that analyzed Twitter content found health care providers had deep concerns and high stress levels due to lack of personal protective equipment during the first three months of the pandemic.
ENA Adds Name to Vaccine Mandate Joint Statement
On Tuesday, ENA President Ron Kraus released the following statement after ENA signed on to a joint statement in support of COVID-19 vaccine mandates for all workers in health and long-term care.
ENA President Ron Kraus Encourages All to #EducateToVaccinate
With roughly 25 percent of Americans now vaccinated, ENA President Ron Kraus is encouraging everyone to get their COVID-19 vaccine as eligibility opens up.
ENA Requests President-elect Biden Include Nurses on COVID-19 Task Force
The Emergency Nurses Association sent the following letter to President-elect Biden after the announcement that his COVID-19 Task Force did not include any nurses.
ENA Offers Support and Guidance to COVID-19 Task Force
The Emergency Nurses Association recently sent a letter of support and guidance to Dr. David Kessler, Chief Science Officer of COVID Response.
Congress Passes COVID-19 Stimulus Package and ENA-backed Appropriations Bill
Congress on Monday approved a COVID-19 stimulus package and Fiscal Year 2021 omnibus appropriations bill. Importantly, the legislation will provide additional funding for the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.
ENA Urges Emergency Nurses to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine
Based on the science and evidence surrounding COVID-19 vaccines, the Emergency Nurses Association on Monday urged all emergency nurses to get vaccinated and encourage others to do so to promote public health.
ENA President Encourages Public to Take COVID-19 Precautions Amid Surge in Cases
ENA President Mike Hastings reminds the public to follow CDC and WHO guidelines designed to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in communities.
ENA Member Launches “National Wear a Mask Day” Initiative
Inspired by an ENA member, National Wear a Mask Day encourages mask use in support of emergency nurses.
ENA Stories: Front-Line ED Nurses Describe Impact of COVID-19
The ENA Stories video series provides a personal glimpse into the emotions and realities faced by nurses who remain committed to care amid the demands caused by a global pandemic.
ENA Joins Call to Action to Fight COVID-19
On Tuesday, the Emergency Nurses Association announced it has joined other health care organizations to call on the government, private sector and all Americans to help in the fight against COVID-19.
ENA Statement on Emergency Nurse Protection During COVID-19 Pandemic
ENA releases statement on the availability and use of personal protective equipment relating to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
ENA Praises Signing of CARES Act in Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic
ENA commended Friday's signing of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act which includes billions of dollars to support emergency nurses and other front-line health care providers during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
ENA Speaks Strongly for Emergency Nurses During White House Meeting on COVID-19
In a White House meeting on Wednesday, President-elect Ron Kraus spoke pointedly about the needs of emergency nurses amid the outbreak, while emphasizing the strong role ENA and all ED nurses play in this rapidly developing situation.
ENA, ACEP, AAMC Present Coronavirus Informational Webinar on Feb. 18
ENA and several other partners will host a Feb. 18 webinar to discuss the latest 2019-Novel Coronavirus developments and the health care provider best practices.
Emergency Nurses Association Monitoring Novel Coronavirus Developments
The Emergency Nurses Association encourages ED nurses and emergency health care providers to be vigilant in screening for infectious diseases in the wake of two confirmed U.S. cases of novel coronavirus.