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ENA’s New TNCC, 8th Edition, Raises the Trauma Care Standard
The new 8th Edition hones in on the most current fundamental trauma care information, while ramping up the content focused on various types of trauma.
ENA Brings Spring Educational Symposium to Seattle in April
High-quality emergency nursing education, featuring local experts and industry leaders, comes to the Pacific Northwest on April 25-26 in Seattle.
AMA Alliance Video Series Features ENA’s Role In Battling Opioid Epidemic
The nation’s opioid epidemic has claimed far too many lives in the United States. Recognizing that, the AMA Alliance, in collaboration with the American Medical Association, is focusing its efforts and attention on educating its network of physician families and communities about what...
Innovation, Hands-On Learning Highlight ENA’s New ENPC, 5th Edition
On Tuesday, ENA proudly announced the launch of Emergency Nursing Pediatric Course, 5th Edition, which features significantly revised content and enhanced delivery that provides nurses with a hands-on and interactive learning experience.
Emergency Nurses Association to Host First Regional Symposium in Las Vegas
The Emergency Nurses Association today announced it will bring new emergency nursing education to the Las Vegas strip April 26-27 at its inaugural Spring Regional Symposium. Emergency nurses have the opportunity to network with local leaders and participate in clinical and leadership...
ENA Releases New Emergency Department Manager’s Survival Guide
The Emergency Nurses Association released its new Emergency Department Manager’s Survival Guide, a digital reference for new and experienced ED managers. Since nearly half of U.S. medical care takes place in the ED, outstanding and informed leadership is essential to providing the...
New Interactive Training Modules Created for Emergency Department Personnel
The Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) assisted in creating four infectious disease training modules for emergency department personnel, which are available now on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) YouTube channel.