Emergency Nurses, Physicians Speak Out Against Workplace Violence 

The Emergency Nurses Association and the American College of Emergency Physicians, as partners in the No Silence on ED Violence campaign, will bring their leaders and members together on Capitol Hill to speak out against the continued attacks on emergency health care workers and share stories of the violence they’ve endured as part of a call on Congress to pass the Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act.

When: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 – 11 a.m. Eastern time

Where: U.S. Capitol Senate “Swamp Site” located across parkway from the east Senate steps


  • Senator Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisc.
  • ENA President Jennifer Schmitz, MSN, EMT-P, CEN, CPEN, CNML, FNP-C, NE-BC
  • ENA Immediate Past President Ron Kraus, MSN, RN, CEN, ACNS
  • ACEP Vice President Aisha Terry, MD, MPH, FACEP
  • North Carolina College of Emergency Physicians President Jennifer Casaletto, MD, FACEP
  • Emergency Nurse Todd Haines, MSN, RN, AEMT, CEN


NOTE: Event will be broadcast via Facebook Live on

The Emergency Nurses Association is the premier professional nursing association dedicated to defining the future of emergency nursing through advocacy, education, research, innovation, and leadership. Founded in 1970, ENA has proven to be an indispensable resource to the global emergency nursing community. With 50,000 members worldwide, ENA advocates for patient safety, develops industry-leading practice standards and guidelines and guides emergency health care public policy. ENA members have expertise in triage, patient care, disaster preparedness, and all aspects of emergency care. Additional information is available at