Director Candidate 

Melane Marsh Tyler Babcock



Why do you seek a position on the ENA Board of Directors?

Throughout the last 8 years I have been afforded the opportunity to give back to Emergency Nursing through a variety of volunteer roles including chapter and state presidents, serving as a member and chairperson of ENA Volunteer Committees and other micro volunteer opportunities. These experiences fueled my passion for the profession and my desire to give back.

Throughout my professional career, I have promoted through a variety of leadership roles that have further developed my innate ability to develop and execute on innovative strategy while aligning and managing stakeholders in a productive way. I have a passion for building and developing relationships with those at every experience level and have been able to leverage that passion to both develop myself and to develop the future of nursing/nursing leadership.

Those skills and passions, coupled with my desire to give back and my passion for emergency nursing, make the Director position within the ENA Board of Directors the obvious choice for me to maximize my impact while continuing to serve the organization.

In summary, I simply wish to give back a fraction of all that I have received while furthering the mission and vision of the organization.

How does your academic, professional background and experience on the ENA Board make you a qualified Board candidate?

Academically, my MSN/MBA dual degree has proven to be an asset in navigating a world where healthcare and service combine with business. My MSN concentration of Nursing Education and Leadership provides me a unique knowledge base in adult learning principles that can guide the organization in fulfilling its educational mission. Furthermore, the program provided me knowledge on leadership style and theory, financial literacy and navigating an ever increasingly complex and volatile market.

Professionally I have served in a variety of leadership roles from a bedside clinical manager in the ED to my current role as a Director of Nursing overseeing the entirety of inpatient services within my organization. My journey from EMS, to an ED Tech through to my current role has afforded me vast experience and the ability to relate and mentor anyone’s personal journey. Furthermore, for the last three years in my current role I have served on my hospitals Executive Management Group consisting of leaders at the Vice President level and above, building and executing on a strategic plan that’s aligned with our mission and vision; a skill and experience that closely aligns with the ENA Board of Directors.

Outline the specific skills you bring, or contributions you hope to make to the ENA Board of Directors.

I’m well known within my organization for my innovative and strategic approaches to solutions. I have also been able to implement this skillset at the local and state level within ENA. I consistently challenge assumptions and leverage my visionary thinking to examine future implications of decisions at a systems level. My breadth of experience from critical access EDs to Level 1 trauma academic centers allows me to advocate to the entirety of the profession, not just the few. My ability to craft and communicate a vision is one that would serve both the organization and the board of directors.

From a contribution’s perspective, I hope to bring a diverse background and experience level to the decision making table that will shape the strategy and direction of the organization. I want to expand my ability to develop and mentor the next generation of both ED Nurses and ED leaders. I am passionate about mentorship and understand it’s value in succession planning. My experience at the local, state and national level have afforded me an understanding of how the organization works, a beneficial perspective for decision making at the board level.

Provide a narrative that exemplifies how you demonstrate the Board competencies.

The true narrative to how I demonstrate the board competencies is my day to day life. Each day I work collaboratively both within nursing and across service lines/with ancillary departments to achieve shared goals. This is further solidified through my current committee work at both the state and national level where I’m able to lead groups and navigate conflict in decision making. My work as an executive nursing director has allowed me to interface with finance at a much higher level, advocating for resources while also practicing financial stewardship. Furthermore, my past experiences on ENA boards at the local and state level developed my ability to build and execute a strategic plan. As a State President in 2020, our strategy and vision quickly shifted with the pandemic and we pivoted, built a plan, and executed that strategy in a way that actually increased engagement, provided additional avenues to extend the reach of our mission and maintained the work we were engaged in. That critical work outlines the competencies of planning, professionalism, strategy, collaboration and decision making all within one position.