Director Candidate 

Gregory Pittman Gregory Pittman
South Carolina



Why do you seek a position on the ENA Board of Directors?

I am seeking a position on the Emergency Nurses Association Board of Directors to contribute my passion for emergency nursing and dedication to advancing the profession. With years of experience in emergency care, I understand the daily challenges and opportunities emergency nurses face. I believe that my unique perspective and leadership skills can help shape the future of emergency nursing practice, education, and advocacy. By serving on the board, I aim to provide excellence in emergency nursing, support, and professional development initiatives and ensure that the voices of emergency nurses are heard globally. Together, we can enhance the quality of care provided in emergency settings, advocate for the well-being of patients and healthcare providers, and foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement within the field. I am committed to collaborating with fellow board members to drive positive change and uphold the highest standards of emergency nursing practice.

How does your academic, professional background and experience on the ENA Board make you a qualified Board candidate?

With a robust academic background in nursing and extensive experience within the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), I am a highly qualified candidate for the board position. My educational training has equipped me with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand the complexities of healthcare delivery and emergency care. In addition, I am currently enrolled at Capella University for my DNP in Executive Leadership, with a completion date of March 2025. Furthermore, my active involvement with the ENA has allowed me to stay at the forefront of emergency nursing practice, policy, and advocacy developments.

Through my involvement with the ENA, I have gained invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities within emergency nursing. I have actively contributed to initiatives to advance the profession and improve patient care outcomes. My track record of leadership and collaboration with ENA demonstrates my commitment to promoting excellence in emergency nursing and advocating for the needs of patients and healthcare professionals.

My unique academic expertise and practical experience within the ENA position me as a strong candidate who can effectively contribute to the board's mission and objectives.

Outline the specific skills you bring, or contributions you hope to make to the ENA Board of Directors.

As a prospective member of the Emergency Nurses Association Board of Directors, I bring unique skills and contributions. With a strong background in emergency nursing, I offer firsthand experience and insights into the challenges and opportunities emergency healthcare professionals face. My proficiency in crisis management, critical thinking, and decision-making under pressure equip me to contribute to the association's strategic planning and policy development.

Additionally, my practical communication skills allow me to collaborate with diverse stakeholders, advocating for the needs of emergency nurses and promoting best practices in the field. I am committed to promoting professional development opportunities for emergency nurses, enhancing patient care standards, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation within the association.

Overall, my blend of clinical expertise, leadership skills, and passion for advancing emergency nursing make me a valuable asset to the Emergency Nurses Association Board of Directors, enabling me to drive positive change and support the advancement of emergency nursing practice.

Provide a narrative that exemplifies how you demonstrate the Board competencies.

As a future member of the Emergency Nursing Association (ENA) Board of Directors, I will exemplify collaboration by actively engaging with fellow board members, ENA staff, and association members by listening to diverse perspectives and working together to achieve common goals such as improving emergency care standards. Decision-making skills are crucial in this role; make informed decisions by analyzing data, seeking input from stakeholders, and considering the long-term impact of your choices on the organization and its members. Strategic thinking comes into play as we help shape the association's vision, set goals, and develop plans to navigate challenges and seize opportunities in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape. Professionalism is critical in representing the organization with integrity, respect, and accountability. Strong business acumen involves understanding financial reports, budgeting effectively, and making decisions that align with the association's mission and sustainability, which I have done in previous board positions. Lastly, leadership planning entails fostering a positive organizational culture, mentoring future leaders, and inspiring others to strive for excellence in emergency nursing practice.