The Academy of Emergency Nursing is accepting applications for the 2025 class of Fellows. Apply before the deadline of Feb. 12 at noon Central time.
Not sure if you are ready to apply for Fellowship in the Academy? Review the AEN Application Manual.
The Academy of Emergency Nursing honors emergency nurses who have made enduring and substantial contributions to emergency nursing, advance the profession of emergency nursing including the healthcare system in which emergency nursing is delivered and provide visionary leadership to ENA and AEN.
The Academy welcomes applications from all emergency nurses who feel they meet the qualifications for Fellowship. Applicants are encouraged to work with an Academy Fellow to put together a strong application reflective of professional activities and accomplishments.
The Academy shall be composed of Fellows, Emeritus Fellows, Honorary Fellows, and Posthumous Fellows.
Fellows, including Honorary and Posthumous, are those individuals who meet the criteria for eligibility and are admitted to the Academy after ratification by the ENA Board of Directors. Posthumous Fellows are deceased individuals who previously met the criteria for active involvement and enduring and substantial contributions for Academy membership. Nominations for Posthumous Fellowship must be submitted by at least one Fellow of the Academy. No application fee is required. Upon acceptance there are no annual dues fees for Posthumous Fellows.
Applications will be reviewed for acceptance on an annual basis following the current Fellowship Application timeline. For example, all posthumous applications received by noon Central time on February 12 will be considered for the 2025 Class of Fellows. To complete an application, please contact