Director Candidate 

Heidi GilbertShawntay Harris



Why do you seek a position on the ENA Board of Directors?

My aspiration to serve on the ENA Board of Directors stems from a deep-seated dedication to advancing the field of emergency nursing and ensuring its continued growth and success. With over three decades of unwavering commitment to non-profit organizations, I am passionately pursuing the opportunity to collaborate with global emergency nursing professionals. With a steadfast commitment to excellence and a fervent belief in the power of collective action, I am eager to contribute my skills and insights to this organization.

My extensive experience uniquely positions me to offer professional advocacy and invaluable mentoring to fellow emergency nursing enthusiasts. Deeply invested in the future of emergency nursing, I will leverage my entrepreneurial acumen to provide fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the board. I firmly believe that collaboration on a global scale is paramount to the future of the ENA. By fostering an environment of open dialogue and shared expertise, we can effectively conceptualize opportunities for member engagement that resonate with the diverse needs of our emergency nursing community.

How does your academic, professional background and experience on the ENA Board make you a qualified Board candidate?

I am the founder of Eminent Healthcare Resources Consultants, Inc. I have been a nurse for 24 years with an extensive background in emergency services. I am the President of the Texas Emergency Nurses Association, on the Executive Editorial Board of the Journal of Emergency Nursing, and a Trustee on the Board of the Emergency Nurses Association Foundation.

My platform is not just about leadership but about empowering others. I am a driving force in emergency nursing, influencing it through my efforts to develop members of critically diverse workforces. I am renowned for creating opportunities for others to educate emergency nurses, a testament to my commitment to the growth and success of peers. I also created a process to ensure the success of emerging leaders in their professional practice and within the Emergency Nurses Association.

I encourage nurses to strive higher, driven by a strong will to address the nursing shortage. My goal is to produce influential nurse leaders who will shape the future of healthcare. To this end, I have developed content that solidifies professional and clinical excellence and promotes safe patient care. I co-authored the Just Cause position statement in support of reporting, a commitment to their well-being.

Outline the specific skills you bring, or contributions you hope to make to the ENA Board of Directors.

The commitment to expanding impact and outreach with the nursing profession, particularly concerning leadership, education, succession planning, and addressing the prevalent nursing shortage, epitomizes a steadfast dedication to advancing emergency nursing's sustainability.

Embracing a strategic approach, underscored by effective membership engagement strategies, signifies a proactive endeavor to unify nurses and navigate challenges collectively.

The aspiration to partake in forthcoming initiatives, notably the cultivation of safe and healthy work environments for emergency nursing professionals, exemplifies a conscientious pursuit of nurturing the holistic well-being and professional advancement of the workforce.

Furthermore, the resolve to augment diversity and representation in emergency nursing instills an acute awareness of the imperatives of inclusivity and equitable representation with the ENA.

To operationalize these aspirations, collaborative efforts with pertinent stakeholders, including other professional organizations, educational institutions, and healthcare entities, could serve as conduits for knowledge dissemination and resource mobilization, all of which I have a proven record of success.

Platforms such as workshops, seminars, and digital forums emerge as potent instruments for facilitating interdisciplinary dialogue, fostering mentorship, and nurturing a just culture. Through concerted endeavors, these envisaged contributions are posed to yield substantial and enduring transformational impact with the ENA.

Provide a narrative that exemplifies how you demonstrate the Board competencies.

As a members of the ENA, I have served as President, Treasurer, and Membership Chair of Texas ENA. I have served as an Executive Editorial Board member of the Journal of Emergency Nursing and as an Emergency Nurses Association Foundation trustee. I have consistently championed collaboration and excellence. With a proven record of success, I have provided nuanced perspectives on critical issues, fostering a unified voice among stakeholders. My dedication is evident in my regular engagement, from promptly responding to ENA surveys to initiating monthly surveys seeking feedback at the state level.

Employing key performance indicators, I have bolstered member engagement, aligning with the association's mission and vision. As a social media influencer, I have amplified the ENA's messages and strategically cultivated vendor relationships, recognizing their significance for business and societal changes. Amid unprecedented challenges, I have led a state council with strategic and critical thinking, demonstrating commitment to the success of the organization.

My commitment extends to continuous professional development, maintaining five board certification in emergency nursing and two leadership certifications. As a Fellow in the Academy of Emergency Nursing, and previously a member of other national committees, I remain dedicated to advancing the nursing profession and fostering collaboration.