Leadership Development and Elections Committee - Member at Large Candidate 

Ryan_OglesbyJoop Breuer



Why do you seek a position on the Leadership Development and Elections Committee?

As my second term as a member of the ENA Board of Directors comes to an end this year, I bring current insights and knowledge of the state of ENA, specifically it’s vision and strategic plan for achieving ENA’s goals. I can transfer this knowledge to ensure emerging leader candidates are viewed through the lens of ENA’s future.

Effective leadership development is crucial for fostering a culture of growth, collaboration, and alignment within our association. Through leadership development. effective leaders will emerge who communicate

How does your academic, professional background and experience within ENA make you a qualified Leadership Development and Elections Committee Candidate?

I have been a member of ENA for 26 years, have served on a variety of committees including the International Advisory Council, the Position Statement Committee, and as a board liaison amongst others have been a member of ENA`s DEI membership committee. I have served for 6 years as a member of the ENA Board of Director; thus, I bring significant knowledge of the association that will be beneficial for the Leadership Development and Elections Committee. I am deeply aware of the board’s competencies, which are foundational for any candidate to possess, and this insight will be invaluable to the committee. One example of exercising board competencies was participating in the selection of the new Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Emergency Nursing. This selection process involved the ENA BOD and staff, and demonstrated how I could navigate a complex assessment and decision-making experience.

Outline the specific skills you bring, or contributions you hope to make to the ENA Leadership Development and Elections Committee.

After serving 2 terms on ENA`s Board of Directors I can use my experience and skills as a member of as a member of the Leadership Development and Elections Committee. Having been a member of the Board of Directors gives me unique insight into the competences and qualifications needed to be a successful member of the Board. Reading the Leadership Development and Elections committee`s competencies, I possess the required qualifications.

While on the Board I was a member of the joint Board and Nominations and Elections committee (NEC) workgroup to transform the NEC into the Leadership Development and Elections Committee (LDEC). This transition is something I advocated for, as it as a crucial step forward to ensure the quality of our future leadership by not only selecting candidates but also supporting their professional board development and assist candidates who don`t possess the competencies for a board member yet, to develop and grow into these competencies.

Provide a narrative that exemplifies how you demonstrate the Leadership Development and Elections Committee Competencies.

Upon review of the competencies required for participation on the Leadership Development and Elections Committee (LDEC), I am confident I possess each of the listed competencies.

My knowledge of ENA as an association and how the Board of Directors function provides me with a great background for the LDEC.

My decision-making and communication skills have been demonstrated throughout my years of service as a member of the ENA Board of Directors. My communication style is open and honest.

Leadership development is essential for a living, vital association. In my past leadership roles, I have always kept an open eye for potential new leaders and encouraged them to apply for a leadership role. The challenge and responsibility for the Leadership Development and Election Committee to engage and grow the association’s future leaders is very appealing to me.

I have received recognition as having strong collaboration skills. With the various leadership and committee roles I have held in our association, I collaborated with a wide variety of people from various backgrounds and have always demonstrated excellent collaboration skills.