Leadership Development and Elections Committee - Member at Large Candidate 

Vanessa_GormanEllen Encapera
South Carolina



Why do you seek a position on the Leadership Development and Elections Committee?

Identifying and guiding qualified candidates seeking highest office in our specialty nursing association, are vital pursuits. As we grow and transition from “old guard” leaders to a new generation of emerging professionals, we need to embrace the challenge. What a great time to have a voice in creating a legacy of continued excellence in leadership and sustainability for ENA.

As a loyal member of the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) since 1988, I have been privileged to serve under and alongside exceptional nurse leaders and sadly a few that were not. The desire to lead may not be enough to succeed. Leadership skills are both learned and acquired with time and experience. I have interviewed and mentored future leaders of ENA as a national board member and provided honest reviews of their current level of skills and experience for the position they seek. With experience in both the once named Nominations and Elections Committee and National Board of Directors I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience as a contributor to building a sustainable future to our association.

How does your academic, professional background and experience within ENA make you a qualified Leadership Development and Elections Committee Candidate?

My long professional career afforded me decades of opportunities in clinical practice and leadership. In 1988, as a member of California ENA, I quickly engaged at the chapter level serving as Secretary, President-elect and President over ten years. I was elected a two term as State Secretary and then state chair for membership and delegate selection coordinator from 1997-2011. California more than doubled membership totals until my retirement and move to South Carolina..I served as South Carolina State Secretary from 2018-2023, revised state bylaws, policies, and also continue as State Membership/Certification chair today.

I was elected and served five years on the original Nominations and Elections Committee (including a year as chairperson), and then as National Director from 2012-2016 and again from 2017-2018. I have attended every General Assembly since 1991; as voting delegate or Director. I have extensive knowledgeable of ENA’s governance structure; authored three adopted resolutions, edited an array of national, governance policies, participated in national bylaws revisions, and initiated the creation of ENA’s values/code of ethics. I have practiced at the highest level of ENA membership with dignity and pride and know what it takes to be an effective national leader.

Outline the specific skills you bring, or contributions you hope to make to the ENA Leadership Development and Elections Committee.

The Leadership Development and Elections Committee brings talented professionals together to select qualified, national candidates for the consideration of members. Guided by committee charges, I will always come prepared to support the team and perform the duties assigned to me. I am detailed oriented and will come prepared to participate and engage in thoughtful conversation. I will be professional and respectful of the views and opinions of others. During group discussions I may come with preconceived opinions and views on the issues, but always open to listening to the ideas of others to gain greater knowledge and consensus. Sharing an alternative perspective opens the mind to the possibility of better outcomes.

I am acutely aware of the importance of the need to boost membership engagement in the election process, at all levels of the association. Soliciting and selecting qualified candidates is essential but the promotion of the event and engaging members to vote needs attention. Voting percentages have been historically low and we still struggle with how to promote the importance. I look forward to thoughtful discussions and sharing ideas to promote the process.

Provide a narrative that exemplifies how you demonstrate the Leadership Development and Elections Committee Competencies.

My previous national roles and committee responsibilities have afforded me extensive knowledge of ENA’s overall governance structure, policies and qualifications needed to lead the association.

I will vet the applicant’s presentation, qualifications and experiences carefully. Sound decision making requires objectivity, consideration the perspectives of others and delivering the right choices both for the individual and the association.

Effective communicators adapt to the dynamics of the situation and exchange ideas in a cooperative manner. I am able to articulate my opinions and rationale to others, reach consensus within a group and deliver honest results to applicants needing further leadership development skills. Communication skills are key to this role, as both team member and mentor to applicants.

Identifying, encouraging and nurturing future leaders contributes to succession planning for the association. I enjoy watching emerging professionals thrive. Providing leadership development opportunities and encouragement perpetuates new skills and professional growth.

I pride myself in preparing for and participating in productive group meetings with colleagues. I look forward to the process of group discussions, collaboration, and the sharing of ideas to meet committee charges. The entire election process should be reviewed regularly to insure fairness in campaigning and equal opportunities for all.